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6 Tips to Make The Best Content Marketing Strategy

Social Media Freaks
6 Tips to Make The Best Content Marketing Strategy

If you know how to create an effective content marketing strategy, half the battle is won. Content is still king and content creators know this.

An effective content marketing strategy is essential for the success of any business.

This is why you need to know the true definition of content and what quality content means.

Content Marketing Definition – Keep It Simple

Content is the information that you have to offer to the users. Expert content creators are able to produce high-quality content after carefully considering search intent. High-quality content provides value to the customer and ensures a higher ranking.

It is a well-known fact that content with higher quality ranks better on google. Google lets us observe user behavior by studying data like bounce rate, click-through rate and pogo sticking, etc.   

Most experts don’t get tired of repeating that when it comes to content, quality always beats quantity. It is seen that the link that is ranked #1 gets 10 times more traffic compared to a link that is ranked #10.

If you are top-ranked for multiple keywords, you can even get 30 times more traffic compared to your competitors.

By writing a better article with high-quality content, you have the potential of bringing 30 times more traffic. Who wouldn’t like that?

Tip #1 – Search intent

The “WHY” Behind a Search Query

Search intent just means the intention with which users go on the web. Basically, users are looking for something. Why they are searching makes the search intent.

Do they want information?

Are they looking to buy something?

Google wants to bring people to the most relevant pages. If content creators think about search intent while creating a piece of content, they are able to optimize the content in a way that serves the user.

Here are some essential factors you need to consider

–     The right format

–     The right headings

–     How deep the content goes into the subject

–     Is the information for beginners or advanced users?

Tip#2: Know the Value of Time

One of the most important factors that content creators need to keep in mind is time. All users are different. Some users are looking for information in a quick snippet or an infographic. On the other hand, others are looking for detailed information on a certain topic.

You have to make sure that you get to the point. The key to success is to understand what the users want and give it to them in the easiest way possible.

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Social Media Freaks
Zupyak is the world’s largest content marketing community, with over 400 000 members and 3 million articles. Explore and get your content discovered.
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