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Best Bathroom Remodel Ideas to Inspire Your Next Renovation

All Around Remodelers
Best Bathroom Remodel Ideas to Inspire Your Next Renovation

Bathroom designs have changed dramatically in the last 25 years. The fact that bathrooms are being renovated more than kitchens and living rooms shows how integral they are to our lives.

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Small Bathroom Remodel Ideas

So, here is a collection of the best bathroom design ideas to inspire your next bathroom renovation.

1. Use the Space Behind Closed Doors

Closed doors are usually a waste of space, but they don't have to be. Use the space behind closed doors to create a bathroom storage area that will make your bathroom more functional, and you'll be able to use that extra space for something else in your home.

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bathroom remodel ideas

When you're considering your next bathroom remodel ideas, think about how you can use existing doors as storage space for towels and toiletries. It will save you money by reducing the need for additional cabinets or shelving units.

2. Think Ahead for Your Tub

Bathroom design is a lot like interior design: it's all about the details. Your tub needs to be large enough to accommodate everyone who uses it but not so large that it dominates the space. It should also be comfortable and easily accessible from all sides of the room.

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Bathroom design

If you're planning on installing an old-fashioned clawfoot tub in your bathroom, consider using dark paint colors like black or gray to ensure that your bathroom looks elegant and timeless. A lavish tub is one of the biggest trends in bathroom remodeling, making your washroom look more luxurious and sophisticated.

3. Embrace Modern Tapware

Bathroom tapware is often overlooked, but it's a critical element of your bathroom design. A sleek, modern tap can make all the difference in your space.

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Bathroom tapware

You can find a wide variety of styles and finishes on the market today, so you're sure to find something that complements your décor. You can choose many styles and colors for your sink, tub, shower, and toilet.

4. Create an Accent Wall

Adding an accent wall is one of the best small bathroom remodel ideas to impact the space's overall design dramatically. It's a great way to add color, personality, and style. The best part is that it's easy to do.

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best small bathroom remodel ideas

You don't need any special tools or knowledge for this project. All you need is paint and tape. Try using it as an accent wall for the shower or tub area, or go for a bolder look by painting the entire room in a light hue. Either way, you'll get the same effect and feel like you have more space.

End Words

Almost everyone enjoys a nice, relaxing bath every once in a while. So, if you've been looking for a new bathroom design idea to aid your next renovation, we've got plenty of them right here.

Hopefully, these bathroom design ideas have given you helpful tips and encouragement to make the space functional and energizing.

All Around Remodelers
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