A digital signature is a form of electronic signature, that is a mathematical algorithm used to reflect that a digital key is issued by authenticated authority. Click and know all about a digital signature certification, from its distinct types to how to obtain it.
What is a DSC certificate?
A Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) is a safe digital key that reflects the authenticated identity of the certificate holder that is issued by the sanctioned Certifying Authorities.
Can a foreign national obtain a DSC certificate?
Yes, a foreign national can obtain a DSC certificate under Section 3 of Identity Verification Guidelines (CCA-IVG).
Benefits of Digital Signature Certificate Benefits of DSC Registration
1. Ensure Authenticity and Integrity
In an establishment, a message often includes the information regarding the sender of a message, that information could be unreliable. As a result of this, a digital signature certificate (DSC registration) is a perfect tool to authenticate the identity of the sender or message source.
Thus, the possession of a digital signature certificate (DSC registration) is bound to the identity of the user.
For instance, a bank office sends a message to the Central office to change a balance in a specific account. Moreover, acting on such a request without fully convincing (message not including digital signature certificate) would be an aberration.
Apart from ensuring authenticity, a (Digital Signature Certificate) DSC certificate also guarantees integrity, especially when there is a possibility to maintain the confidence that the message has not been modified during transmission. Thus, to maintain the integrity of the message, any change in the message will nullify the digital signature.
Afterward, the message can not alter the digital signature’s affix because it will be considered computationally improbable.
2. Saves Time and Cost
A DSC certificate ensures the smooth flow of activities of an establishment and reduces the dependency on a person because it allows an individual to sign the documents just with a click. Also, an individual does not have to be present in the establishment because, with the help of a digital signature, a person can sign the document from any location.
3. Serve as a Legal Evidence
As per the Information and Technology Act, 2000, a DSC certificate can serve as evidence in court like any other signed document.
4. Ensures Global Acceptance
A DSC certificate is not only acceptable in government bodies such as MCA, GST, Income Tax, etc. But it is acceptable worldwide because it ensures security and authenticity.
Also, it provides excellent assistance in obtaining government tenders.