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How to Become a Lawyer - Complete Guide

How to Become a Lawyer - Complete Guide

   There is no specific stream that you must take if you wish to become a lawyer. Any stream, including science, business, and the arts and humanities, can lead to a career as a lawyer. Students who desire to study law after they graduate from high school usually enrol in arts or business courses.To become a lawyer, the next stage is to earn a law degree (L.L.B.). After finishing your graduation in any topic or after passing the 12th grade, you can continue with the course. If you're set on pursuing a profession in law and becoming a lawyer, you should enrol in a five-year integrated programme. You will learn the fundamental graduating subjects as well as the subject of law in this.

The next step towards becoming a Lawyer is to obtain a degree in Law (L.L.B.). You can pursue the course after class 12th or after completing your graduation in any other subject. If you are determined to become a lawyer and pursue a career in Law, you should enrol yourself into a five-year integrated program. In this, you will be taught the basic graduation subjects and the subject of Law. Some of the most common integrated combinations offered by various colleges and universities are B A. L.L.B. (Hons), B.Sc. L.L.B (Hons) BBA L.L.B (Hons) and B.Com L.L.B (Hons). Also, you save a year of study if you go for the 5-year integrated program. On the other hand, you may also pursue a 3-year L.L.B. program after graduation if you need time to decide the career you want to go for. 


After completing your 5-year or 3-year program, you need to undergo a mandatory internship as per the norms set by the specific institution. This will help you to gain experience and exposure. 

Eligibility to become a Lawyer 

Law colleges across India follow a selection procedure and eligibility criteria for U.G. and P.G. levels admissions. However, given below is the basic eligibility criteria that a student need to possess to get admission in U.G. or P.G. Law courses: 

Eligibility for UG Law Courses 

Candidates should score a minimum of 45% marks in their intermediate (10+2) or equivalent from a recognized board. Students belonging to any stream can apply. However, the top institutes and universities conduct entrance examinations for admission. 

Eligibility for PG Law Courses  

To get admission in L.L.B. (3 years) course, candidates need to be graduates from a recognized university. In addition, for admission to the L.L.M. course, candidates need to possess an L.L.B. or equivalent degree from a recognized university. 

Entrance exams to become a Lawyer 

The top institutes and colleges accept admission into their 5-year integrated or 3-year L.L.B. program based on entrance exams. Some of the top entrance examinations for Law are: 

Common-Law Admission Test (CLAT) 

It is an online test conducted for admission in 18 prominent National Law Universities. It consists of objective type questions based on Elementary Mathematics, English, General Knowledge, Current Affairs, Legal Aptitude and Logical Reasoning. 

All India Law Entrance Test (AILET) 

National Law University conducts this test, Delhi, for providing admission to integrated B.A. L.L.B. (Hons). It includes English, General Knowledge, Legal Aptitude, Reasoning and Numerical Ability. 

Law School Admission Test (LSAT): Become a Lawyer 

The scores of this test are accepted by Jindal Global Law School, Alliance School of Law, Faculty of Law, and so on. It includes sections like Logical and Analytical Reasoning, Comprehension and Reading skills. Moreover, this test is valid for admission in both integrated and 3-year L.L.B. courses. 

Symbiosis Entrance Test (SET)  

This test is conducted to accept admission into undergraduate Law programs at Symbiosis International University. It consists of Logical Reasoning, Legal Reasoning, Analytical Reasoning, Comprehension and General Knowledge. 

DU L.L.B Entrance Exam 

The Faculty of Law conduct this, Delhi University to accept admission in their 3-year L.L.B. course. It also has the same sections as the previous entrance exams, such as English, Current Affairs, General Knowledge, Analytical and Logical Reasoning, etc. 

Link: https://www.cheggindia.com/career-guidance/how-to-become-a-lawyer-complete-guide/

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