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Some Easy maintenance tips for your roller blinds

James Spry
Some Easy maintenance tips for your roller blinds

Roller blinds are a very versatile and functional window decoration, but like anything else in your home, they can collect dust and dirt over time. Natural dust from your home, food spills, and even small insects can stain your blinds, but luckily, a blinds cleaning procedure is a simple task that only takes a few minutes to make your windows look its best figure appearance, clean and healthy.

Steps for cleaning blinds:

1.      Pull them all the way down extended. Depending on the length of your blinds, they may need to be longer than usual to ensure access to the entire swath of material.

2.      Use the vacuum brush tool to completely remove dust and dirt. Use the vacuum cleaner brush attachment to vacuum the them to remove dirt and dust. Start cleaning them from the top, move the brush handle from left to right, and followingly move down.

3.      Mix a mild dish soap in a bowl of lukewarm water. Mix soap and water together until the water suds. Avoid using harsh chemical detergents or soaps containing bleach as they can discolour the blinds.

4.      Wet a clean sponge or cloth with soapy water and wring it out. Thoroughly soak a sponge or towel in water to absorb as much of the soap mixture as possible and squeeze it to remove excess water.

5.      Wipe the blinds from top to bottom. Use a back-and-forth motion to completely wipe from one blind side. If there is a large stain, rub the area a little more. If it is still dirty, wipe generously with a damp towel.

6.      When cleaning the blinds, wash the sponge several times. Soak a sponge or towel in soapy water and swirl it around a few times to remove the residue. Then rotate the roller shutter again before continuing to wipe.

7.      For stubborn stains, use stain on the fabric. Read and follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully before applying the stain to the fabric. First, test on an inconspicuous area of your blinds. For example, near the top where it usually screws.

8.      Keep them completely open to dry completely. Alternatively, you can open the roller blinds fully during the night. Once they are dry, you can put them back together. Re-covering blinds while they are still damp can lead to mould and bad odours.

Some dos and don'ts while cleaning blinds:

·        Don't spray air fresheners, hairspray, or any sticky sprays near your blinds.

·        Do not try to deal with dust with water, adding water before to will make a big mess; instead dry dust first with a cloth that will catch the dust.

However, you can keep your blinds clean by dusting and vacuuming regularly. Roller blinds in Campbelltown are a dependable solution to many of your climate or security problems. So, make it an important task to clean your blinds at least once a week to keep your home environment healthy.

James Spry
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