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Travel Tips to keep in mind for smooth flying

Travel Tips to keep in mind for smooth flying

Be it weather delays or in-flight problems, anything can happen when you're traveling through air. It’s best being ready for the unforeseen and unexpected events in advance. These basic and simple travel tips for air travel will show you the most ideal way to deal everything related to when catching flights. 

Important Travel Tips to keep in mind

Try not to stand by at the gate desk when your flight has been cancelled

Don’t get disheartened if your flight gets cancelled. The best way for handling a cancelled flight is first before leaving from home check Delhi airport flight status . You can check it on the website from your phone or laptop. You will get updates if the flight is on time, delayed or cancelled. If you flight has been cancelled no need to panic instead call the airline and check with the ticket desk. 

  • Visit airport lounge during a long layover

Rare flyers aren’t that aware of lounges. Well, if you have a long layover, you can easily relax at the lounge area. If you have a credit card then some of the credit cards come with additional perks that you can avail at the lounge areas in the airport. If you don’t have these perks on your credit card, you need not worry, you can easily enjoy lounge services by buying a one day pass. 

  • Check in to your flight ahead of time

These days you can do web check-in from home. This not only saves your time at the airport but also lets you grab a better seat and avoid all the chaos at the airport.  

  • Check airport monitors for flight information

Like I told you earlier, you can check Delhi airport flight status or even subscribe flight status updates on your phone. This will keep on updating you with all the information. If nothing of this, you can always check monitors that are placed everywhere on the airport that provide you with all the updated information of flight gates, timings etc. 

  • Keep your essentials in your carry baggage

Even if there is a slight chance that you checked-in bags get delayed or lost, you should always have your essentials in your carry baggage. Essentials should include your phone charger, medicines, important documents and an extra pair of clothes. 

  • Pick up anything you want to eat/drink on flight from the terminal

Whatever you wish to eat or drink in the flight, you should pick from the terminal before boarding the flight. Usually flights don’t provide food and even if they do it’s not as yummy as you can buy from the terminal. Terminals have various food chains providing multi cuisine options be it Indian, Chinese, Pizza, South Indian etc. 

  • Don’t expect a crowd less airport

Airport is not a place where you won’t find less crowd. Airports are always crowded with chaotic parking, crowded drop off areas. So always plan in advance and try to leave early when you have to catch a flight to be on time to do all the formalities. 

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