Mobile app development is very popular.
In fact, 88 percent of the total screen time on mobile is spent using apps. In addition to this, average US mobile phone users check their phone 344 times per day.
Moreover, the revenue across various industries of mobile app market is skyrocketing. This includes larger ones like fintech and insurtech which have trillion in revenue as well as smaller ones like on-demand and tele-medicine.
Now, it is no secret that there are a lot of businesses in the market that want to develop their own mobile app. And it isn’t all that difficult to do.
However, do you know what the difficult part is? It is choosing the right platform. When you are talking about developing a mobile app, well, you have chosen between hybrid, native, or web app. Even within these, you have more choices.
All in all, these options make the choice harder as the clients are often left wondering which one is right for their project.
If you are one of these, you have come to the right place. Here, we shall be discussing their definitions, advantages, and main differences. With this being said, let’s get right into it:
What is Native App Development?
Native app development, the name itself gives a lot away.
Mobile apps which run on their native platform and no other are known as the native apps. This is the only key difference between hybrid and native apps. Now, there are two major native platforms which allows developers to create solutions.
These are namely, android app development and iOS app development. Despite both of them being native platforms, there are some rather big differences between them.
While Android is open-sourced ran by Google, iOS on the contrary is not open-source and is tightly circulated by Apple.
In addition to this, android dominates about 75% of the market. iOS on the other hand with fewer users have higher revenue. And surprisingly, the latter one is also cheaper to develop. This is one of the reasons why people prefer working with IOS App Developers.
Moving on, we shall be going through some of the top advantages of native app development below:
· Unparalleled Performance
Performance on the native apps is unparalleled. And the reason behind this is simple, this app is made with only one platform in mind thus everything is done specifically according to that.
This makes it a lot faster and more efficient when compared to hybrid apps as they have to keep in consideration more than one platform. This is one of the big advantages of this platform.
· Engaging User Interface
Every platform has its own guidelines when it comes to designing following design philosophy. And this is why the front-end design of the native app is much more integrated into the platform which makes it look much better.
Therefore, it becomes way more intuitive, interactive, and attractive. Delivering a far better user experience to the clients. This is one of the reasons why clients prefer android or IOS App Development Company.
· More Feature Options
Last but not the least, more feature options.
Just like design and performance, native apps offer much more when it comes to the feature set. In fact, it is only at the native level the developers can utilize the full feature set.
Moving on, we shall be going through the definition and advantages of responsive web app development.
What is Responsive Web App Development?
The responsive web app is not but a website. Yes, you heard that right.
Well, let us explain in detail. When a website is developed via PHP development services with a design that is responsive, it is known as a responsive web app.
So, what does being responsive exactly means? Well, it means that the design of the website can adapt to the screen size. While this might sound like something minor, it is a great thing to achieve. And this is what makes RWA stand out from the rest.
With this being said, let’s look at the advantages of the platform. These are, as mentioned below:
· Cross-Platform
Well, well, unlike mobile apps, websites aren’t all that picky when it comes to the platform.
Meaning that while the mobile app only runs on select few platforms including hybrid ones, websites can be run anywhere on any platform which runs a browser.
This virtually covers every device on the face of the earth. Making it one of the big advantages of responsive web apps.
· Ease To Launch
All you need to deploy a website or rather a responsive web app is, a web address (domain name) and an internet connection.
This is an advantage because the mobile app deployment process is much longer and more complex. This is why people report to responsive web apps in some cases.
· Budget-Friendly
One of the biggest questions when considering native, responsive web or hybrid app development services is, how much it cost.
Well, it is safe to say, this one is the cheapest of the bunch. With this being said, let’s move to the final one.
What is Hybrid App Development?
So, what are hybrid apps?
As some of you might have already guessed from reading our previous solutions, hybrid apps are the ones that run on more than one platform.
In fact, they can also extend to the territory of web apps while also including both mobile platforms.
· Improve user experience
Hybrid apps expand across platforms. This carries traits of native apps and web apps. When they are created it is done with the knowledge of different platforms in mind.
This results in an overall better user experience on the large scale. Thus, adding an advantage to the already strong side of hybrid apps.
· Reach to Wider Audience
It goes without saying thanks to the react native app development services, hybrid apps aren’t limited to any one platform. While native apps can only target an audience of a single platform, Hybrid apps have a much larger base to appeal to.
This means much higher chances of success and revenue generation for the company. If this doesn’t make hybrid apps attractive, well, we don’t know what will.
· Fast Time to Market
Think you have to wait for months for your app to get ready? Well, probably.
But hybrid app development is much less time-consuming than a native app. And this works to their advantage as it provides a much faster time to market.
Moving on, we shall be going through the differences between these platforms in the next section of the blog:
Differences Between Native, Hybrid, And Responsive Web Apps in Performance
So, which company should you rather hire native app, a hybrid, or PHP Application development company?
Well, the main point to consider here is performance. As such, our apps are known to provide dull performance as they are much slower on mobile phones when compared to the other picks on the list.
On the other hand, native apps as we already read provide remarkable user experience with unquestionable performance. Last but not the least, when it comes to hybrid apps, they are known to be slower than their native counterpart yet provide decent performance.
This is all you need to know about responsive web apps, hybrid apps, and native app development. Now, based on your choice or project requirements, you can choose between a Native, responsive web, and hybrid app development company.