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Solid Wooden Shutters: The Ultimate in Timeless Sophistication

Craig Upton
Solid Wooden Shutters: The Ultimate in Timeless Sophistication

There was a time when wooden panels were pretty much the only type of window covering available to the masses. In centuries gone by, people had little choice but to use the very basic materials and resources at their disposal to keep their homes protected from the elements. Wood was available in comparative abundance and has therefore been used throughout history as an effective and efficient window covering.

Wooden window shutters as we know them today first began appearing around 500 years ago. It was at this point that very basic wooden window coverings were fashioned in crude shapes specifically to cover windows and were something of a luxury for those who could afford them. They became something of a status symbol in their own right and remained so for some time.

By the time the 18th century rolled around, glass was starting to make an impact on the way civilisations went about their business. But even when glass became broadly available and affordable, wooden shutters were still something of a hallmark of quality and distinction. Those who could afford to do so paired rudimentary window shutters with thin glass windows, bringing the best of both worlds into their homes.

At some point along the way, the use of wood as a window covering fell out of favour with the masses. Glass windows took over as the new standard and were considered a more sophisticated and effective alternative to wood.

But as time passed, the world’s affinity with wooden window shutters would gradually experience something of a renaissance. Particularly throughout the latter half of the 20th century and well into the 21st century, wooden window coverings would once again become a mark of distinction and sophistication.

The question is – why is it that with such incredible advances in glass window technology, the popularity of wooden window shutters is once again at an all-time high?

The Unique Benefits and Appeal of Wooden Window Shutters

Wooden window shutters have once again become a staple on the scene with homes and residences of distinction for two reasons.

There are few (if any) window coverings that can rival the elegance and sophistication of wooden window shutters. There’s something quintessentially timeless and desirable about the look of wooden shutters, which are just as exquisite today as they were in centuries gone by. Even when contemporary shutters are finished in a broad range of different colours and styles, they still retain the same timeless elegance as their historic counterparts.

The physical properties and functional benefits of window shutters are perhaps of greater value today than they ever were. Wooden window shutters are naturally more capable than conventional window coverings when it comes to things like lighting control, reducing external noise and even boosting home security. Perhaps most importantly, wooden window shutters have been found to be completely unrivalled in their thermal efficiency.

When it comes to keeping interiors warm and cosy while reducing energy consumption, nothing gets the job done better than quality wooden window shutters.

Hence, it is easy to see why more discerning homeowners than ever before are bringing wooden window shutters into their properties. From aesthetic appeal to interior comfort to keeping energy bills under control, high-end shutters do it all.

All with the added bonus of the kind of timeless sophistication that guarantees their long-term appeal for many decades to come.

If you’d like to learn more about any of our shutter collections or our shutter company in london, contact a member of the team at Riverside today.

Craig Upton
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