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How to Read Residential Electric and Natural Gas Meters

City Energy
How to Read Residential Electric and Natural Gas Meters

Knowing how to read your electric and gas meters is necessary to understand your energy usage and ensure you're on the cheapest possible rate plan. An article highlights the simple steps of reading residential or business gas supply for Singapore's electric and natural gas meters.

It is important to know how to read your residential electric and natural gas meters in Singapore, as this will allow you to keep track of your energy consumption and ensure that you are paying the appropriate amount for your utilities. 

Here are some tips on how to read your residential electric and natural gas meters:

1. Electric meters

The first thing you need to do is find your meter box. This is usually located outside your home, near the main electrical supply. Once you have found the box, open it up and identify the meter inside.

Electric meters typically have four dials or digital displays. The first two digits on the left represent the tens of kilowatts used, while the second two digits on the right represent the units of kilowatts used. For example, if your meter reads "5421", you have used 541 kilowatts.

2. Natural gas meters

Natural gas meters are usually located inside your home, near where the main natural gas supply enters your premises. Natural gas meters have four dials or digital displays like electric meters.

The first two digits on the left represent the cubic feet (cf) of natural gas used, while the second two on the right represent the units of 100 cubic feet (100cf) used. For example, if your meter reads "5421", you have used 541 cubic feet (cf) of natural gas.

Key Pointers To Note While Reading Your Meters

1. Make sure you have an accurate meter reading before you start using it. This can be done by checking the display against the readings on the meter itself.

2. When reading your meter, take note of both the current and previous readings. This will help you track your energy consumption over time.

3. Be sure to record all readings consistently so that you can easily compare them later on. For example, take note of the date, time and reading every time you check your meter.

4. If you have questions about interpreting your meter readings, contact your utility company or a qualified technician for assistance.

5. Check the position of your meter. Your electric meter should be on the main switchboard at eye level or below.

6. Locate the dials on your meter. On an analog meter, there are 4 or 5 dials. The first and largest dial is called the kWh dial and measures how much electricity you have used in kilowatt-hours.

7. Read the kWh dial from left to right and note down the number at which the pointer stands at the end of your billing period. This is your total electricity consumption for that period.

8. Find out your energy retailer's tariff rate so you can calculate how much you need to pay for your electricity consumption.

9. If you have a digital meter, you must read the display on the screen to find your total electricity consumption for that billing period.


If you need to know more about residential electric and natural gas meters or business gas supply, gas tanks in Singapore, City Energy is the place to go. We are a leading provider of energy services in Singapore, and we can help you with all your energy needs. We have a wide range of products and services that can meet your needs, and we are always ready to help you with any questions..

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