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AZ 104 Training | Azure Administrator Certification Training

AZ 104 Training | Azure Administrator Certification Training

AZ 104 training with live, expert instruction from wherever you learn best. Get pricing. Everything you need to earn your certification, guaranteed. View Upcoming Courses. We can help you get hands-on training with Microsoft Azure administrator certification. Azure Administrator training also prepares you for the  AZ-104 exam, required for earning the Microsoft Certified: Azure Administrator Associate certification. Azure Administrator Associate, one of the highest paid Azure certifications to date. In November 2020, Microsoft discontinued the program AZ-103 and replaced it with the AZ-104 certification program. 

The recommended need for AZ-104 certification are:

  • Six months of hands-on experience managing Azure workloads
  • MS Azure basic service mastery
  • In-depth understanding of security, workloads, and management in Azure
  • Experience PowerShell, Azure Portal, CLI (command line interface) and ARM templates.
  • Fluent in areas such as cloud infrastructure, networking, storage structures, operating systems and virtualization.

From what we discussed above, you can see that the new Azure AZ-104 Associate Administrator Certificate is here with challenges and opportunities. As a potential candidate, you will need to develop your experience across several new domains to make yourself eligible for the Azure credential exam for the Azure Administrator role. What gives you an edge over the competition is a reliable set of resources, training materials, and mentoring.

If taking the AZ-104 certification exam is your area of ​​interest, then go for it and sign-up for the certification training course today with Vinsys.

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