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RN Mittal & Associates Copyright Lawyers, Trademarks, and Copyright

RN Mittal

Most people don't know what intellectual property falls under copyright law and what falls under trademark law.

This is something that your copyright Lawyers can best explain to you if you've run into trouble in this area, but for a brief explanation of what the two are and the difference between the two, please read on.

One of the main differences between the two is what they actually cover. If you talk to your copyright attorney, they should be able to tell you that copyright refers to recorded content in some way. These may include audio recordings, films and other media, works of art, written works, corporate documents, computer programs, etc. However, it does not include nicknames or titles where they are generally found in general. And it doesn't cover the mind; it only covers physical content created.

On the other hand, trademarks cover things like names, slogans, designs, logos and other things that identify an organization or product. Another big difference between the two is that copyright is an automatic international right, while trademarks require registration and apply to a specific country or territory. This is a difference that your copyright attorney should be able to explain clearly.

If you are using a trademark, you are also allowed to use 'TM' to indicate that it is a trademark, or if you have registered it, you can use the ® symbol (although you must -must be used if you have actually registered your trademark (as this is illegal). If you have registered your trademark, you should bear in mind that the process can take up to 18 months, although it is usually faster.

Although trademarks only apply to certain regions, there are now trademarks that cover all EU countries. Your copyright attorney will be able to advise you as to whether an automatic copyright claim will suffice or whether you may be advised to register a trademark to protect one aspect of your work. This will mostly depend on what you are looking to protect and what is inside it.

You may, for example, be able to market a part of a large copyrighted work (such as a trademark that may not be protected), and c is something that copyright lawyers can advise you on.

Visit for More Information: - Best copyright lawyer in high court

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A- 21A, Gulabi Nagar, Jamuna Nagar, Sodala, Jaipur, Rajasthan 302007

Phone: +91 93522 17433

Mail-id: [email protected]

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