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What is a Neurosurgeon? What treatments they do

Vishal Bhasme
What is a Neurosurgeon? What treatments they do

Neurosurgeon is specialist doctor who diagnoses and provide non -surgical and surgical treatments for conditions that affect your brain, spine and nervous system. If any patient have medical condition that affects his/her nervous system then consulting a neurosurgeon for medical advise and treatment is beneficial.

Neurosurgeon have thorough training in certain tests to diagnose and treat the medical condition of a patient, which includes:

  • CT Scans
  • MRI Scans
  • PET Scans
  • MEG
  • EEG

To treat these brain and spine conditions, Neurosurgeon examine your condition and may first recommend anti-inflammatory drugs or therapies. If your pain does not stop than they might suggest a surgery for treatment. A neurosurgeon is skilled in several kinds of procedures and surgical techniques, to name a few:

  • Open Surgery
  • Minimally Invasive Surgery
  • Endoscopic Surgery
  • Endovascular Surgery

Some of the common brain and spine conditions or neurological conditions a neurosurgeon treats include:

  • Brain Tumors
  • Chronic Pain (Back & Neck)
  • Herniated Disks
  • Parkinson's Disease
  • Spinal Fractures
  • Spinal Tumors
  • Brain Injuries
  • Spine Injuries

In most cases your neurologist after in depth-assessment will refer to a neurosurgeon if any patient have any neurological condition that need to be treated through a surgery. Dr. Vishal Bhasme is one the best neurosurgeon in pune, he has more than 12+ years of experience and treated more than 3000+ patients with brain and spine conditions. He has been performing spine surgeries for years now and has a vast experience in Open Surgery, Minimally Invasive, Endoscopic Surgery. If you are looking for consultation for your brain and spine treatment you can book your appointment with him.

Vishal Bhasme
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