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Best Knee Replacement Surgeon in Delhi

mahi chauhan
Best Knee Replacement Surgeon in Delhi

Cure My Knee have the best knee replacement surgeon in Delhi NCR, India. Our Best knee replacement surgery Doctors conduct the surgery with latest techniques at affordable prices.Dr. D K Das Joint Replacement Surgeon , (Founder & Director of CMK) is also one of the best knee replacement surgeon in Delhi. With profound knowledge and more than 21 years of experience, he has treated more than 10,000 patients in India and abroad

Dr D. K Das with a vision to cure every person suffering from knee pain has initiated a noble cause called "Cure My Knee" to help every knee pain sufferer walk pain-free again! Dr D. K Das aims to provide not only treatment and cure

to his patients but also strive to achieve a knee-pain-free world.

What is Knee Replacement Surgery?

Best Knee Replacement Surgeon in Delhi

Knee Replacement Surgery or Knee Arthroplasty is a process that involves cutting away the damaged parts of the bone and cartilage from your knee and replacing it with an artificial joint also known as a prosthesis. The prosthesis is usually made of alloys, high-grade plastics, and polymers. Knee replacement surgery helps in relieving pain in highly damaged knees. As a result, it also restores your mobility and function.

To know whether or not you need knee replacement surgery, you must visit an orthopedic surgeon first.

The doctor will run certain tests on you and check your knee's stability and strengths to determine whether you need surgery? Depending upon the severity of knee damage, you can be treated with medication, physiotherapy or surgery.

Your doctor can choose from a variety of knee replacement prosthesis and surgical techniques, considering your age, weight, activity level, knee size and shape, and overall health.

When a Knee Replacement is Needed?

Knee Replacement Surgery might be needed if you are suffering from chronic pain in the knees that cannot be healed with medication and physiotherapy and surgery is the only option.

To get rid of severe pain and difficulty, a knee replacement surgery may be performed. Knee pain can be caused by several problems but the most common is arthritis which damages the knee joint with time. People with osteoarthritis have a problem walking, climbing stairs, and performing daily tasks like using the washroom, and getting out of bed or chair. Knee arthritis is of three types- osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and traumatic arthritis.

However, the most common reason for knee replacement surgery is osteoarthritis.

Address: H - 1565, LGF, Chittaranjan Park, New Delhi - 110019

Contact: 8800040372

Website: https://curemyknee.com/best-knee-replacement-surgeon-in-delhi.html

mahi chauhan
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