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What To Do If Your Furnace Emits A Burning Odour

What To Do If Your Furnace Emits A Burning Odour

Although the burning smell coming from the furnace is typical, it should not be ignored. When you turn it on again in the cold after a while, you could smell it. Not all furnaces produce the odour. However, some furnaces have an electrical, burning dust, or burning plastic stench. The HVAC system may be having major problems if there is a burning smell.

What Scent Does A Typical Furnace Have?

You won't smell anything terrible in the event that the heater is working ordinarily. The heat exchanger, ductwork, and ignition system are all covered in a thin coating of flying debris from the HVAC system. Consequently, after a while, the HVAC system may begin to emit the scent of burning dust.

Although the burning smell will be unpleasant, it won't linger for more than a half-hour or so. If you detect a strong scent coming from the furnace, you should open the window slides or turn on the fan to provide air.

Normal circumstances would cause the natural gas to smell like a rotten egg. You should turn off the furnace and seek expert HVAC service in Alpharetta if you believe the odour won't go away. Expert specialists will assist you in maintaining your furnace and ensuring that your winter is comfortable.

When You Smell Something Burning, You Should Examine The Following Areas:

The burning smell coming from the furnace might have several causes. If there is a burning smell coming from your furnace, you should examine the following:

  • Examine The Filters

The burning smell is frequently caused by blocked filters. The filters become clogged with airborne particles, preventing airflow. Less heat is produced for the room as a result of the airflow restrictions, which also puts more strain on the motor.

An unpleasant or burning stench might be released as a result of the increased pressure. If the burning smell persists after opening the ventilation windows, turn off the furnace. Your HVAC system may be fixed for the winter by an HVAC professional in Alpharetta.

  • Fire On Wires

When using the furnace for the first time in a while, the electrical connections may cause you some difficulties. Due to the abrupt rise in voltage and the inappropriate location, the wire's insulation may be harmed. A spark in the wire due to faulty insulation may result in a burning odour in the space.

You may get assistance from HVAC experts in Alpharetta to fix these wires and get rid of the furnace's burning odour. We'll work with you to prevent any accidents that might result from frayed wires.

Airmaster Heating and Air, Inc. will assist you in preventing the shutdown of your furnace. You can get in touch with us and submit an enquiry based on your needs. You may spend the winter pleasantly with the aid of Airmaster Heating and Air, Inc. and the proper placement of your heater. For the top-notch HVAC Service in Alpharetta, get in touch with us right away!

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