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A Detailed Guide On Conventional vs. Digital Door Lock In Singapore

A Detailed Guide On Conventional vs. Digital Door Lock In Singapore

Smart locks or digital ones are becoming increasingly common in Singapore these days. They allow you to lock or unlock doors remotely from anywhere using your smartphone. But why should you care? What makes them so smart? What makes them better than the conventional Door Lock In Singapore? Let’s find out!


Conventional door locks have been around since the 1960s and were designed to prevent unauthorized entry into a home or building. These simple devices were created to give people peace of mind while they slept at night knowing their doors would keep out intruders.

But now Digital Door Lock In Singapore is taking over conventional ones due to their convenience, ease of use, and security features. In fact, many people prefer using them instead of conventional keys. Here’s everything you need to know about digital vs conventional door locks.

A Fair Comparison For A Smarter Decision

The conventional Door Lock In Singapore is the oldest type of locking mechanism. They are mechanical devices that require keys to open doors. These locks are also known as keyed entry locks. They are usually installed on exterior doors and can easily be broken in case of extreme force.

On the other hand, Digital Door Lock In Singapore is an electronic device that uses a combination code to open the door. For example, they allow you to remotely open and close your door from anywhere using your smartphone. This means you no longer need to carry keys around with you.

Digital locks work by way of a combination, pin code, card reader, or biometric feature. There are two types: contactless and proximity. Contactless digital locks use RFID chips embedded in cards or fobs to access the lock. Proximity locks require users to bring their hands near the locking mechanism to authorize access.

Benefits Of Digital Locks

Digital door lock has revolutionized the way we live our lives. They also have taken over conventional Door Lock In Singapore. If you’re looking for something that lets people know who’s coming and going without knocking or ringing the doorbell, then a digital door lock may be a good choice. The convenience and security it offers, can’t be beaten by the conventional door locks.

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