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Looking for the No1 Center for Car AC Repair & Maintenance Services Dubai?

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Looking for the No1 Center for Car AC Repair & Maintenance Services Dubai?

After a certain period of time, everything, including humans, requires regular maintenance. So, what’s the point of leaving the car’s air conditioners? The air conditioning unit is one of the best features and one of the most important considerations when purchasing a new car. You may have noticed that your car’s air conditioning isn’t as effective as it once was after a few months or even a year. You may have even felt suffocated when driving with the air conditioner on. This is when it’s time to get your car’s air conditioning repaired. But what if you continue to operate the air conditioner despite the problems? This read will help you to know more about car AC. Let’s start.

Most Common Car AC Problems

If you want to have a comfortable trip, your vehicle must have good climate control. The auto air conditioning unit is responsible for ventilation and cooling. The air conditioner should last a long time if properly maintained. Here are some frequent auto air conditioner issues and parts to repair for improved performance.

If you want to enjoy the comfort of your automobile, one of the most important components of your vehicle is climate control, which is controlled by your car’s air conditioning system. Your car’s air conditioning system includes the ventilation and cooling system. A well-maintained and serviced air conditioner should last a long time.

However, there are a few common AC issues that you should be aware of and know how to address or replace for improved performance:


You might wish to cleanse your AC system to free it of dirt and debris before calling for AC servicing. Contamination could be the sole cause of a vehicle’s air conditioning troubles. Even if it isn’t, inserting a new part into a clogged system will prevent it from working properly.

Failure of the Evaporator

The evaporator is in charge of absorbing the heat generated by the vehicle while it is being cooled. If the evaporator coils are broken, replacing them is the best solution. Repairing and reconditioning evaporator coils is usually more expensive than buying new ones. Furthermore, replacement results in more dependable and longer-lasting functionality.


The auto air conditioning system removes heat from the vehicle by employing a refrigerant, or Freon. The Freon is designed to circulate throughout the air conditioning system and not run out. However, it’s possible that it’ll get out. Leaks occur as the rubber seals, grommets, and O-rings in the system wear out. Consider replacing these worn-out components with new and maybe superior ones if you wish to restore the AC unit’s performance.

Worn Belts

The AC system includes belts and pulleys that are connected to the engine. Because the belts might wear out over time, you should inspect them often and replace them as needed.

Compressor Issues

The compressor’s role is to circulate the refrigerant (Freon) throughout the HVAC system. As a result, if the compressor fails, the entire system will most certainly fail. If the trouble is minor, such as a damaged maintenance gear, you may be able to fix the compressors. However, most of the time, completely replacing the compressor is the best option.

How to Regularly Maintain Car AC System?

Any problem with your car’s air conditioning system should be detected and repaired as soon as possible to avoid further damage and save you time and money.

  • Regularly inspect the air conditioning compressor belt for cracks and damage.
  • Inspect the air conditioning system for any leaks or damage.
  • Check the function of the air conditioning system and other components on a regular basis.
  • Refrigerant must be removed from the system.
  • Test the air conditioning system for vacuum.
  • Use the right refrigerant type and quantity as specified by the manufacturer to recharge your car’s air conditioning system.
  • Perform regular service on the compressor, condenser, evaporator, and electrical controls of an air conditioning system.

Suppose you are looking for an automotive center for the best quality car AC repair & maintenance services Dubai. Then QU Cars is the best choice for you. We offer the quick and most dependable air conditioner repair service and automobile service in the UAE, with automotive air conditioner repair services available throughout the country. So don’t stress out the next time your air conditioner kicks on while you’re on the road.

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