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7 advantages of co-curricular and extracurricular activities for a child's development

Bhanni k
7 advantages of co-curricular and extracurricular activities for a child's development

Most people believe that extracurricular activities are not required as part of the academic curriculum in high schools in Bangalore, but they do contribute significantly to the educational environment. Extra means "outside," and curriculum means "a moving path or career."

For children, extracurricular activities are just as important as academics. While studying aids in the acquisition of knowledge, extracurricular activities aid in the overall development of the child.

Many people argue that extracurricular activities are unimportant in the life of a student in some high schools in Bangalore, but they are extremely important in the life of a child. In terms of overall development, parents should recognize that a child's social life is just as important as their academic life. Extracurricular activities can also assist them in making decisions about their future and keep them physically fit. Most of the high schools in Bangalore have a well-planned extracurricular curriculum.

We now have a basic understanding of what extra-curricular or co-curricular activities are, but we also need to understand how they affect school life and what benefits they offer. Here are extracurricular activities.

1. Social Possibilities

Participating in extracurricular activities allows children to interact with others who have similar interests. This also allows them to broaden their social network and potentially form friendships outside of their usual circle. Only through interaction with others and participation in extracurricular activities do children gain knowledge. Soundarya school, one of the high schools in Bangalore, encourages children to interact with others to build their confidence.

2. Personal Development and Growth

According to research, extracurricular activities help children learn to care for their friends. However, because extracurricular activities allow them to work in groups with their classmates, children gradually develop this attitude over time. Furthermore, children learn to share and care for others at the same time. Soundarya School prioritizes a child's cognitive development and happiness. We are one of the best high schools in Bangalore because we care for children academically, spiritually, socially, and emotionally.

3. Refrain from Wicked Behavior

One of the most significant advantages of co-curricular activities is that they reduce the use of drugs, alcohol, and the behavioral and disciplinary issues that accompany their use. Another study, published in the Eric Institute of Education Sciences by Cooley, Van E, and others, discovered that extracurricular participation was the most important factor in reducing student experimentation with tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs. Extracurricular activities participants were less likely to use drugs than their non-participating classmates. We use these types of strategies to improve children's behavior.

4. Sparks your interests and abilities

One of the benefits of co-curricular activities for students is that they encourage you to demonstrate and develop your skills and talents. Extracurricular activities can range from a mental game to singing or being a part of a literary team. Soundarya School specifically identifies and encourages children's interests and talents, making it one of the top high schools in Bangalore.

5. The Most Effective Way to Keep Them Under Supervision

Co-curricular/extracurricular activities are the most effective way to keep children safe while their working parents are absent. Several children return home to an empty house or spend their weekends alone. This practice is harmful because it gradually harms the child's emotional and physical well-being. Children are kept busy with extracurricular activities while their parents are at work; they are also kept under supervision while their parents are away, and they do something productive in their spare time. Soundarya School has a variety of after-school activities to accommodate a child's interests and abilities. As a result, it is one of the best high schools in Bangalore for extracurricular and co-curricular activities.


I suggest you guys go with Soundarya school in Bangalore to join your kids as it is best in its extracurricular activities as one of the best high schools in Bangalore, For the development and growth of your children you should consider Soundarya school which offers you more opportunities for procurement and growth.

Bhanni k
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