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Why Is EPS the Best Choice For Your Child?

jhon mark
Why Is EPS the Best Choice For Your Child?

EPS is urged to provide a wide range of innovative courses and cutting-edge chances in the

sporting and cultural domains, in addition to first-rate teaching and learning facilities. Every

student at Evergreen Public Schools is treated with respect and given the tools they need to

succeed in their own unique way.

Following factors makes Evergreen Public School the best choice for your child:


The goal of teaching is to increase a child's intrinsic motivation and aptitude for learning. EPS

gives children the opportunity to express themselves, investigate their natural and social

environment, and develop in a healthy manner. You can check the curriculum of preschool,

junior school, middle school and senior school of EPS at epsdelhi.com.


A student develops a variety of abilities, and confidence through involvement in sports, all of

which are beneficial for the development of their personality. EPS has excellent multi-sports

facilities, such as courts for basketball, tennis, cricket, etc. The school works to develop a

student's athletic skills and instill in them a feeling of good sportsmanship.

Community services

From an early age, students are sensitised through community service. The school instills in its

children the spirit of generosity, compassion, and helping out the less fortunate people in

society. Through a variety of programmes run all year long, it is heartening to see the kids

competing with one another to assist out the less fortunate members of society.


Students can join a wide range of clubs and activities at EPS. Joining clubs and participating in

extracurricular activities is a terrific opportunity to find your place in the high school social scene

and to meet other students who share your interests and objectives. This gives you the chance

to explore your interests and hobbies, as well as possibly discover new ones.

Evergreen Public School

We are aware of the anxiety every parent feels while deciding which school is ideal for their

child. Your child will have access to the best atmosphere and facilities for bringing out and

realising their full potential at Evergreen Public School, which strives to attain the highest

academic standards in the country. Visit our website to know more about the admission criteria.

jhon mark
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