AI Products 
DNA Paternity Testing

Everyone is born with a unique genetic code, called DNA, passed down from parent to child. DNA identification provides the definitive method of determining biological relationships, and DNA testing is the most widely accepted scientific and legal method of establishing identity.

UrgentWay is a full-service DNA testing company that offers a wide range of DNA paternity testing services and family relationship testing, as well as immigration and forensic DNA testing. We also perform a unique paternity test before the baby is born, called prenatal paternity testing.

Results from an AABB-accredited lab are more than 99.99% accurate whether you need service locally or nationally. Standard paternity tests performed in New York usually provide fast results within 3-4 business days.

If you need the results for use in a court or legal document, a legal DNA paternity test is required. Our legally acceptable DNA testing gives you the facts you need.

Benefits of our DNA testing include:

  • Same-day appointments are often available.
  • Non-invasive cheek (buccal) swab collection method.
  • AABB, ACLASS, CAP, and CLIA accredited laboratories.
  • 100% accurate results! All samples are mostly available within 3-4 business days after they are received by the lab.
  • Nationwide service capabilities for your convenience.
  • Convenient options for releasing test results; Encrypted email, fax, mail, or pick up in person.

If you need more information about DNA paternity testing, UrgentWay is here to help. A paternity test can give you the reassurance you need.




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