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Luxury Soy Candle Jars at Wholesale Prices to Revive Your Mood in Australia

Candle Boutique
Luxury Soy Candle Jars at Wholesale Prices to Revive Your Mood in Australia

Wondering which are the best candles to buy? Essence is one of the most common aspects that urge people to buy luxury candles! A majority of mass-produced glass candle jars available at wholesale prices in Australia contain soy as an ingredient. There is no denying that soy wax is most beneficial both for you and the environment around.

Why are Soy Wax Candles so Famous? 

Soy wax is a cent per cent natural wax that is non toxic in nature. It is derived from the vegetable soybeans and hence is cleaner to burn. Most soy candles available at wholesale prices in Sydney do not give off any harmful byproducts. Soybean oil is essentially extracted from flakes and are less likely to trigger allergic reactions.

Soy candles with Wholesale prices are essentially vegetable-based and dp not produce any black soot that might stain walls and curtains like the other leading wax candles. Modern soy candles are indeed luxurious — it has a lower melting point and burns slower than paraffin candles. The lower heat and larger melt pool soy wax creates a much stronger and more pleasant scent. 


Premium quality wholesale soy candles are produced from hydrogenated vegetable oil in Sydney that turns solid at room temperature. Soy wax is natural, biodegradable, renewable, vegan and is easier to clean. You can easily clean it with soap and water. 

At Candle Boutique, we create unique, customised, and hand-poured candles that are made from soy wax, clean-burning fragrances, and organic cotton wicks. Our luxury candles exude craftsmanship, elegance, and exclusivity. We bring an extensive range of luxury candles with clean-burning fragrance oils blended together. 

Candle Boutique
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