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Our candles are handcrafted in Europe

joolie Robert
Our candles are handcrafted in Europe

OUR CANDLES(candles in concrete)

Our candles are handcrafted in Europe, with vegetable wax, grown sustainably. All our products are timeless and follow the criteria of design, color, shape, combustion, and application. Our goal with our candle creations is to bring fun, color, and light into all living spaces around the world.

Everyone has their preferences, each candle has its own characteristics. What is your favorite candle?

Table candles
Our table candles are stable. They do not produce soot and do not sink, they burn for long hours. They come in a wide range of 49 shades.

Object candles filled with expression
Object candles all have particular shapes. The beautiful combustion makes them precious objects with a lot of charm.

Scented candles of seduction
Our scented candles are individually handcrafted with the best eco-soy waxes. We create our own fragrances and attach great importance to a decent fragrance.

Outdoor candles
Outdoor candles can be exposed to all weather conditions. The important thing are the strong combustion and the good hold. We have combined these two elements with our concrete hulls. https://concretecandles.com/

joolie Robert
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