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4 Facts You Should Know About Dental Implants

Manreet Brar
4 Facts You Should Know About Dental Implants

Dental implants are the gold standard for tooth restoration

They look, feel, and function like natural teeth. Dental implants are made of titanium and are inserted into the jawbone where they fuse with the bone over time. The dental implant acts as the root for a replacement tooth that is permanently anchored in place by connecting to the implant.

Dental implants are changing lives by giving you the smile you want and need. With a dental implant, you can enjoy eating, speaking, and even laughing with confidence. And if you're missing multiple teeth, dental implants can be used to anchor replacement teeth using crowns (called crowns) or full dentures (called dentures)..

Dental implants can prevent adjacent teeth from shifting

Dental implants can prevent adjacent teeth from shifting.

When patients lose a tooth, the surrounding teeth often shift and move out of position. This is known as ankylosis, or anchorage loss.

Dental implants can be used to prevent ankylosis by providing new roots for the missing tooth. While dental implants are commonly used to replace single teeth, they are also effective in preventing adjacent teeth from shifting when multiple teeth are missing.

In most cases, patients who have lost multiple teeth will need two or more dental implants to achieve the best aesthetic results. The placement of dental implants depends on their location on your jawbone and how many teeth you want to replace. If you want to replace one or two missing teeth with dental implants, you should use a 3-4 unit bridge (3-4 posterior bridge). When replacing multiple missing teeth with dental implants, it’s best to use a 6-unit bridge (6-unit anterior bridge).

Dental implants can be used to support dental bridges

A dental bridge is a fixed dental restoration that replaces missing teeth. It is cemented over the two adjacent teeth (abutment teeth) for support, and a false tooth (pontic) is attached to it.

Dental implants are used in conjunction with bridges to create a fixed, permanent solution for people who have lost one or more teeth. The implant acts as an anchor for a metal post, which provides support for the bridge.

The majority of implant dentists prefer to place implants after the loss of one or more teeth because it minimizes the trauma and the amount of treatment needed for each patient. In some cases, however, an implant can be placed prior to the loss of one or more teeth if there are enough healthy abutment teeth available on either side of the space where additional implants will be placed later on.

Dental implants can restore an entire arch of teeth


Dental implants can be used to replace a single tooth, but they are most commonly used to restore an entire arch of teeth. Implants are titanium screws that are placed in the jawbone. After healing, they provide a stable foundation for replacement teeth or dentures to be anchored to.

Implants can be placed in the upper or lower jaw, and they can be used to anchor replacement teeth to both the top and the bottom of your mouth. Visit the best dental implants in Gurgaon now!

Dental implants don't slip around in your mouth as much as dentures do. This means you'll need fewer adjustments from your dentist during treatment and after your surgery is complete.

It's important to take good care of your dental implants so they last a long time.

Manreet Brar
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