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Divorce certificate attestation

Divorce certificate attestation

The divorce certificate attestation is important for many reasons. This is because it proves that the person who has filed for divorce from the other person has actually divorced him/her. It also shows that the other person is not married to anyone else except the person who filed for divorce.

A divorce certificate attestation makes sure that all legal requirements are met by both parties in order to file for a divorce. This ensures that no legal complications will arise after the divorce takes place and there is no chance of any disputes arising later on with regards to custody, visitation or alimony issues.

Process of divorce certificate attestation

·      Notary attestation

·      Ministry of external affairs attestation

·      Embassy attestation

·      Ministry of foreign affairs attestation

 Divorce Certificate Attestation

A Divorce Certificate is mainly issued when a legally wedded husband and wife gets separated from each other for personal reasons. A Divorce Certificate is mainly attested by the district magistrate or any legal officer of the court. An attested copy of a divorce certificate is basically to certify that a couple are legally separated and are free to go ahead with their own independent lives. An attested divorce certificate might be used as a legal proof to be presented before higher authority if you are seeking any societal or legal benefit. Here you shall be more acquainted with Divorce Certificate Attestation and the steps involved in carrying out the procedure.

Importance of attestation of Divorce Certificate

If are an individual who has taken a divorce from their spouse, it is important that you get issued with a divorce certificate by the court of law, to be presented to a higher authority if you are planning to go abroad or get settled in some other country, and it is all the more necessary to get your divorce certificates attested to prove the originality of your certificate. A divorce certificate might be used for the following purposes which include:

  • Getting a Visa 
  • Travelling or settling abroad
  • Transfer or immigration purposes
  • To seek a job in your own country or abroad
  • For getting hold of other legal documents
  • For acquiring commercial documents
  • Setting up a new startup or business
  • For banking purposes etc.

Documents required for getting an attestation on Divorce Certificate

  • Attested copy of your original certificates and documents 
  • Passport Copy

Process of Attestation of Divorce Certificates

For getting your Divorce Certificates attested you might follow the respective steps below:

  • Notary Attestation
  • MEA Attestation
  • Embassy Attestation
  • MOFA Attestation

There are attestation services and experts too, who might help with assigning an attestation on your divorce certificates. Thus if you are looking for a top-notch and quality service, regarding your Divorce Certificate Attestation, just log into geniusattestation.com, as they will provide you with a quality assistance and wholesome expertise service in getting your divorce certificates attested within a stipulated amount of time and with a reasonable cost involved.

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