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Improve Customer Experience Through Cloud Self-Service Portal

emman mathew
Improve Customer Experience Through Cloud Self-Service Portal

The revolution brought on by digital transformation has caused businesses and customers to significantly change several working parameters. While the number of customers has grown, there is also an increase in the number of issues arriving at a company’s helpdesk.

Because of this, customers have to face lengthy queues and call holds to get their issues addressed. There is, therefore, a significant fraction of customers wanting self-addressable and serviceable helpline portals.

Here are some of the advantages of a cloud self service portal.

1. Cost-Effective

When a cloud self-service portal is an option for customers to resolve their issues, it reduces the need for expert support from your side. If customers can resolve their issues themselves, then the number of tickets decreases significantly, and so does the amount of support needed. Therefore, cloud self-service portals are cost-effective as they reduce the amount of support staff required.

2. Improves Agent Productivity

If smaller issues can be resolved through your cloud self-service portal, your expert agents can focus on customers with more complicated concerns. Agents have more time with these customers, they can understand the problem correctly, and solve the issue in less time. It means better care for those who need it, and an improvement in the productivity of your staff.

3. Increases the Skills of Customers

When solving any issue on a cloud self-service portal of a helpdesk, a customer gets to learn about a variety of tools. It increases their knowledge and skills regarding a certain issue. The client’s knowledge and skills expand, and they are made capable of solving future issues too.

4. Leverages Personalized Information

Apart from saving time and helping clients locate relevant information, cloud self-service portals also resolve clients’ issues effectively by using their past data and suggesting accurate tools and methods based on that. With the benefit of personalized accounts in the portal, customers also have access to a managed record of the services and products they own, and helpdesk features related to them.

5. Increases Positive Responses from Customers

When customers’ issues are quickly resolved, and they are able to access necessary tools and expert guidance, they are strengthened by it. And this leads to a strong brand reputation and positive responses from customers.

Apart from this, other benefits of cloud self-service portals include boosting site traffic and enriching the social engagement of the platform.

Finally, Choose the Right Cloud Self-Service Portal

The elements of a cloud self-service portal that lead customers to give positive responses include a consistent knowledge base, a simplified and user-friendly interface, and multiple contact channels. Averiware CRM and an integrated helpdesk has all these elements, and can help improve customer experience.

emman mathew
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