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Types of Kitchen Tiles You Need To Know About

Devender Sharma
Types of Kitchen Tiles You Need To Know About

Kitchens naturally have tile flooring. Tile is tough, long-lasting, water-resistant, and stain-resistant. Tile is resistant to smells and bacteria absorption, heavy foot activity, water, and spills. It can withstand use by kids and pets and complement any type of decor.

Tile can also be set in a huge variety of ways. Additionally, it is stunning; as you browse the enormous variety of available forms, shapes, and colours, your ideas for kitchen flooring will flourish.

Ceramic, porcelain, and stone are the three varieties of kitchen floor tile available.

The same hardness that makes tile such a popular choice for Kitchen Tiles Anand Nagar Gujarat can also be a disadvantage.

Kitchen tile flooring types

Kitchen Tiles Anand Nagar Gujarat made of ceramic and porcelain is comparable. Both are created using clay combinations that are fired at high temperatures to create a tough, long-lasting tile. Both are available as glazed or unglazed items. There are significant differences in addition to that.

·        Ceramic

To distinguish it from porcelain, regular ceramic floor tile is sometimes referred to as "non-porcelain." It is softer than its porcelain relative since it is made of clays, and it is glazed to produce a hard-wearing surface in almost any hue. It is simpler to cut and install because of its softer nature. Despite being more porous than porcelain, the glazing offers a surface that is resistant to splashes and spills from the kitchen. Though slightly more prone to damage than porcelain, it is simple to install.

·        Porcelain

This is a wise choice for bathrooms, kitchens, and high-traffic areas. It is durable enough to be used outside in any weather.

In order to create coloured surfaces, glazed porcelain Tiles in Indiranagar Bengaluru has a glass-like covering applied after burning. Installing porcelain can be challenging and requires specialised tools, making it less of a do-it-yourself project.

It is more solid and durable than ceramic tile and is made from sands and minerals. It is also water resistant. But installing it is more difficult.

Devender Sharma
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