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Online HIPAA Training in New York

Online HIPAA Training in New York

In business like in life, there are some things we do out of necessity and others because they are beneficial to us. Training for corporate compliance comes into both groups. Although it may be tiresome to read, it exists to make sure that your personnel perform their duties effectively, without endangering your clients, the environment, one another, or even themselves.

Bureaucrats in governmental and regulatory agencies may develop the compliance regulations that your company must adhere to, but they do not create the rules and guidelines on their own.

Since you can't avoid compliance training and it's probably best for your staff and customers not to, why not streamline the process and lessen the burden it places on your company's daily operations?

1. Reduced costs

If your employees can't all fit in one room, it will be even worse if you have offices spread out. At the very least, you'll need some space to accommodate them (and possibly multiple spaces or repeated uses of the same space). You will either need to rent this space (or spaces) or repurpose them for a different purpose.

The instructors are another group. This compliance learning material will need to be developed, taught, and explained to your staff, as well as tests that will need to be created and evaluated.

You could give your employees a state-created compliance manual and let them read it on their own, but don't count on that working very well. The same rationale applies to adult learning as to why schools don't just hand out books and let students learn on their own.

Even if your employees work in numerous different departments, facilities, cities, countries, and time zones, you can still serve your compliance eLearning courses to anywhere between a few and a few hundred thousand of them online. Even better, you don't even have to pay for the classrooms with all that coming from a single installation.

2. Flexible learning pace

Online HIPAA Training in New York so excels in the convenience it provides for your employees, which has great advantages for your company as well.

Additionally, since online compliance training doesn't call for your employees to physically gather in a classroom at a specific time, it can take place wherever they choose. They can take your online compliance training courses whenever they want, from anywhere they are, as long as they have a desktop or laptop PC, a tablet, or a smartphone.

That benefits your staff because it gives them the freedom to schedule and customise their training while also preventing downtime for the company. Your employees no longer need to take breaks from their work in order to attend a compliance training seminar thanks to online training.

3. Reporting and Monitoring

Monitoring your students' progress is another time-consuming feature of traditional classroom-based compliance training. When there are dozens or even hundreds of people involved, even grading exam results might take hours or even days. You can almost forget about keeping track of their progress midway through the course.

Progress tracking is free, automatic, and available around-the-clock with online training and a strong Talent Development Platform like eFront.

Administrators and instructors who use eFront can monitor a learner's progress at any time, get a broad overview (of grades, attendance, certificates granted, etc.), or concentrate on particular employee groups and, of course, a single employee.

This is handled by eFront's robust and adaptable Reports engine, which provides ready-made reports for all types of system entities and activities. These reports include attractive graphs and a variety of filters to help you focus the available information to the specific details you need to see. For additional processing and research, you can even export the report data in an Excel-compatible file format.

And eFront gives you the option to certify that knowledge (at least internally within the company) when a user has finished their compliance training on a particular subject. For company-mandated compliance training programs, this is probably all that is required, but it's also a useful way to keep track of which users have finished their industry- and law-mandated compliance training.

For situations and industries where the law mandates periodic re-training for a professional to maintain their licence, you can also create certificates that auto-expire with online talent development and training platforms, and have  certificates awarded automatically upon completion of a course (or a set of courses).

Additionally, if you manage your certifications online, you can revoke them as well (for instance, if an employee breaks a set of compliance rules), and the revocation will automatically appear in the employesignation shapes the future of work

4. Reusability

In the beginning of this post, we mentioned a few ways that online training can save you a lot of money, but there are many more ways that it can save you money and time that we haven't covered.

The ability to reuse online training materials is arguably the most important aspect of this.

It's not just that you can use the same content for numerous learner groups and over a number of years; you could do the same with printed lecture notes for training, but you'd have to photocopy them for each new class.


It offers several advantages over conventional classroom-based training seminars to move your business compliance training online, to your corporate intranet or a privately managed Cloud server.

These advantages, which include lower costs, fewer workflow disruptions, and more freedom for your staff, make investing in an online compliance training solution a simple decision, whether you are a huge multinational or a SME with a few dozen employees.

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