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How can you choose the right colour protector formulation?

sachin sathe
How can you choose the right colour protector formulation?

Do you know what type of hair colour is best for you? Of course, whenever you are choosing hair colour protector formulation you would be wondering that the one which lasts the longest is a superb sense of achievement to get. When under this guide you will understand how to choose the right hair colour for your hair.

Once you decide that you want to give your hair some colours upgrade you need to keep in mind some pointers before you hit the salon or even you choose to colour your hair at home.

Start with a consultation

You should always go for expert consultation before you choose any type of hair colour as you will understand what amine oxide formula you should choose. You are assigned to hair expert who will first understand your hair care routine and then understand your lifestyle profession and overall time you spend on hair styling.

Reference Image

You need to ensure that you have some type of reference image when you are going for hair colour selection. You can also request some photos to see how some shade will look on your hair and it will help you pin down whether you want to go for the drastic change or not.

Considering your skin tone

when it comes to skin tone some hair colours can either make or break your look. before you dive into any colour consider two things like your colour shade and the technique. Fair complexion can surely go for shades like blonde gold light warm but if you have a dusky skin tone then you should always go for chocolate burgundy and red shades.

Hence these are some factors you need to consider when it comes to choosing hair colour.

sachin sathe
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