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Organizations with Subsidiaries are more likely to suffer a Cyber-attack

bharat malviya
Organizations with Subsidiaries are more likely to suffer a Cyber-attack

A recent report from Osterman Research suggests that companies with global subsidiaries are more likely to be compromised by cyber attacks.

Recently, there has been an increase in M&A. While COVID temporarily reduced the number of deals, it is again on the rise at a rapid pace in today's post-pandemic world. However, having too many subsidiaries is not a good thing when considering cyber security.

According to the recent Osterman Research “Managing the Risk from Subsidiaries: Targets, Friction, and Failure” 2021 report, global enterprises with multiple subsidiaries are at a higher risk of cyber threats and risks than companies with no or fewer subsidiaries. Difficult to manage. Commissioned by CyCognito, the report surveyed 201 organizations that have a minimum of 10 subsidiaries and at least 3000 employees or US$1 billion in revenue.

While the facilitator is still unsure how to effectively manage risks, nearly 67% of all respondents admitted that their organizations have either been a victim of a cyberattack where a facilitator is involved in the attack chain. Or lack the capacity or data to prevent it from happening.

Around 50% of the respondents stated that they wouldn’t be surprised if they suffered from cyber-breach in the near future. If the subsidiary opts not to let its parent organization know about the exposed assets and data sources, the vulnerabilities can get overlooked and become a significant issue later on.

Full Article: Organizations with Subsidiaries are more likely to suffer a Cyber-attack

Cyber Security Industry News

bharat malviya
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