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The best from leading tractor brands in India

Vishal samadhiya
The best from leading tractor brands in India

In this blog, the eye-catching magnificent marbles from Swaraj and Mahindra tractors will be compared. Hence, this blog will end with a decision on what is best for your farm and in what conditions. Swaraj 742 and Mahindra 575 tractors come with a rated engine capacities of 42 HP and 45 HP, respectively. Hence, these tractors deserve a comparison time from marketers like us.

Mahindra 575 tractor: Why choose it?

Mahindra 575 comes with 4 cylinders, 2730 CC, direct injection engine that generates 45 HP of rated engine power. The tractor with a PTO as high as 39.8 HP operates with a low RPM. This results in greater fuel efficiency and better operational efficiency for the tractor. The tractor contains an oil bath-type air filter to reduce internal wear and tear during internal combustion in the engine. This clean air-fueled internal combustion engine is supported by an inline fuel injection pump. This further aids in the fuel-efficient performance of this tractor. Mahindra 575 price is Rs. 6.65-6.95 Lakhs in India.

Swaraj 742 Tractor: What’s inside?

Swaraj 742 comes with 3 cylinders and a water-cooled engine that generates 42 Hp of rated engine power. In addition to this, the tractor has 35.7 HP of take-off power at 540. This higher RPM handling, lower power, and torque results in a comparatively low-performance tractor. The tractor comes with a 3-stage air filter, which ensures cleaner combustion and lesser wear and tears in the engine cylinders. Thus the tractor has improved performance and economic mileage. Swaraj 742 price is Rs 6.35-6.60 Lakhs in India.

The conclusion

In conclusion, we will say that the Mahindra 575 is a better-performing tractor as compared to the Swaraj 742 tractor.

Clove is cultivated as a spice crop. Clove is specially used for the spice of food. Apart from this, it is also used in Ayurvedic medicines.

Soil, Climate & Temperature 

To cultivate clove, sandy loam soil and a moist tropical climate are required. In the event of waterlogging, the condition of spoilage of its plant's increases. Clove plants require normal rainfall, and excessive sunlight and frost falling in winter harm its plants. A shady place and 30 to 35 degree temperature is necessary for good growth of plants. The P.H. of the land for its cultivation. The value should be normal. Moreover, Farmtrac 45 is the suitable tractor model for farming.   

Field Preparation

When a clove plant is fully developed, it yields for about 150 years, but the excellent yield of clove is only for 26 years. That's why before harvesting cloves, their field should be prepared well. First of all, the area should be deeply ploughed obliquely, due to which the remains of the old crop will be destroyed. After this, apply a rotavator in the field and get two to three ploughs done. This will make the soil of the area lose. Then, there will be no water logging after ploughing the field again by planting a footing so that the parcel will be completely levelled.

After this, keeping a distance of 15 to 20 feet in the field, pits of one meter in diameter wide and one and a half to two feet deep should be prepared. While preparing these pits, proper natural and chemical fertilisers should be mixed in the soil and filled in the holes. After filling the ground in the pits, they should be rinsed deeply so that the water reaches the inside well.

Transplanting Method 

Before transplanting clove plants, plants are prepared from their seeds. Before preparing the plants from the sources, the seeds should be treated. Since clove seeds take 2 years to prepare, you can buy their plants from any government registered nursery if you want. This will save you time, and yield will be obtained soon. It is considered very appropriate to plant its prepared plants in the rainy season.

During this time, there is less need for irrigation, and humidity remains in the weather, which is more beneficial for the germination of plants. Clove plants are planted in pits prepared in the field; before this, a small hole is made. Clove farming is done like mixed farming. Its plants can also be planted in walnut or coconut gardens. 


Its plants require more irrigation. Apart from this, the plants which have been transplanted in the summer season must be watered once a week. In the same winter season, its plants should be irrigated for 15 to 20 days. Moreover, Massey 1035 is another tractor model which is suitable for paddy farming. 


For good production of clove, it is necessary to give its plants the right amount of fertiliser. While preparing the pits in the field, 15 to 20 kg of old cow dung manure and 100 GM N.P.K should be mixed well in the soil and fill in the holes. This pit should be prepared one month before transplanting. The amount of fertiliser in its plants should be increased with plant growth, and irrigation should be done after fertilising the plants.

Weed Control 

Clove plants also need weed control. For this, about 20 days after transplanting the plants, weeds should be weeded and removed naturally when they are seen in the field. After this, when you see weeds in the area from time to time, weed them.

Diseases & Prevention 

There are very few diseases in its plants, but some insect diseases are such that they harm the plants by eating their leaves. Diseases caused by it are as follows, caterpillar and white fly. Also, root rot diseases are found in the plants even when waterlogs are in the field. Therefore, to prevent the situation of waterlogging should not be allowed to arise in the area.


Clove fruits look like bunches in plants, which are pink in colour. Its flowers should be plucked before blooming. Fresh buds are green with a blush. Its fruit is a maximum of 2 cm long, which takes the form of cloves after drying. The initial yield of cloves is very less, but once the plant is fully developed, about 2 to 3 KG of cloves are obtained in one plant. 

Vishal samadhiya
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