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Major Five Reasons Behind Your Dubai Visa Rejection in 2023

Dubai Visa
Major Five Reasons Behind Your Dubai Visa Rejection in 2023

Major Five Reasons Behind Your Dubai Visa Rejection in 2023

5 Reasons Why Your Online Dubai Visa May Get Rejected

1 Incomplete or Incorrect Dubai Visa UK Application

In the name section, even jumbling the words of your name or other details can result in visa rejection. Let’s say “John Wilson” is filling out the form. But while filling out the form he types his name as “Jonh Wilson”. This simple mistake can cost you your Dubai visa

2 Women Under the Age of 25 Cannot Visit Dubai Alone

You might say that this rule seems regressive and discriminatory. But, as mentioned earlier, local authorities in Dubai take the safety of women very seriously. They also have strict laws for women who are young. And the primary reason for this rule is to thwart any attempts of trafficking in the Emirate and the Middle Eastern Region.

3 Extended Trips during Previous Dubai Trips

Extended stays can result in your name getting blacklisted by the authorities.

Extended stays can also land you in Jail which may result in future visa application rejections

Extended stays also result in deportations which can put a dent in your future prospects of visiting Dubai

4 Blurred Photo or Scanned Copy of your Passport

So, make sure to scan your latest photographs and ensure that the scanned copies can be easily recognized and readable. This will ensure seamless processing of your visa application by the authorities.

5 Handwritten Passports are Not Valid

Not just Dubai, but almost every country rejects handwritten passports. Since Dubai’s rules and immigration laws are strict, you will need to adhere to the highest quality standards. This includes obtaining a valid passport that is not handwritten.


Dubai Visa
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