AI Products 

Centralised Air Conditioning System | Industrial/ Commercial Application | Ventech Systems

Naira Khosla
Centralised Air Conditioning System | Industrial/ Commercial Application | Ventech Systems

central ac system is an efficient way to cool down your entire house. It’s also one of the most cost-effective ways to keep your home comfortable year-round. However, if you don't know what you are doing, you could end up spending more on repairs than you would have spent on a new unit. This webpage will show you how to keep your central ac system running smoothly. We will explain the different types of systems available and help you choose the right one.

air handling units are in cabinet-type sectionalize construction used in air conditioning applications and comprise the direct expansion/chilled water cooling coil, blower along with its drive accessories, face & bypass dampers, and GI wire mesh filters. The air handling unit is interconnected with the other equipment in the refrigeration circuit by the cooling coil.

Along with this above-mentioned equipment, there are other auxiliary equipments such as cooling towers, pump sets, piping, ducting, electrical, and insulation work which are necessary to complete the installation and commissioning of the plant. The refrigeration plant comprises the high side and the low side equipment.

The high-side equipment comprises the compressor & the condenser and upto expansion valve which is subjected to the high pressure of the refrigerant gas/liquid. The low-side equipment comprises an expansion valve and the air handling unit/direct expansion chiller.


Naira Khosla
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