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Food Sensitivity Test: Wheat Rescue and Vibrant Wheat Zoomer Test

Food Sensitivity Test: Wheat Rescue and Vibrant Wheat Zoomer Test

Food sensitivity testing looks at how your body reacts to specific foods. When you eat something that your body doesn't tolerate, it can cause a reaction like bloating, gas, or diarrhea. When this happens, your body is trying to get rid of the food. This can make it difficult for you to enjoy eating and feel well.

Food sensitivity testing can help you figure out which foods cause problems for you so you can avoid them or learn how to eat them without getting sick. Here some food sensitivity test are:

Zoomer Test :

Zoomer Test is a simple and quick test that you can do at home to determine whether you have a food sensitivity. The test kit comes with everything you need – including instructions – and can be completed in just minutes. Zoomer test is the most comprehensive test on the market—it's a blood test that measures how your body reacts to over 100 different foods, so you can be sure you're not eating anything that's making you feel bad.

Wheat Rescue:

Wheat Rescue is a food sensitivity test that can help you to discover if you're sensitive to wheat. The test detects IgG antibodies in your blood and provides an accurate measure of how your body reacts to wheat and gluten.

The food sensitivity test Wheat Rescue measures the amount of immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibodies that your body makes when it comes into contact with wheat or gluten. These antibodies are produced by your immune system in response to foreign substances entering your body, including foods, drugs, chemicals and microorganisms.

The test measures the amount of IgG antibodies to specific proteins found in wheat and other grains. If your blood sample contains high levels of these antibodies, it means that your body is making an exaggerated response to the presence of these proteins.

Vibrant Wheat Zoomer Test

The Vibrant Wheat Zoomer test is a way to determine if you have a wheat allergy or sensitivity. The test uses the same technology as other Zoomer tests and can be taken at home by yourself.

The test consists of two parts: a blood draw and a hair sample. Blood samples are analyzed for the presence of antibodies that indicate a sensitivity or allergy to wheat, while hair samples are examined for chemicals used in making bread and cereal products. The results of the blood test take about three weeks to process, while the hair test takes about six months.

The benefits of food sensitivity testing include:

- Improved general health and well-being

- Reduced risk of developing chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, and cancer

- Reduced risk of developing autoimmune diseases disorders such as lupus and rheumatoid arthritis

Bottom Line:

To sum up, allergy tests are a useful tool for those suffering from allergies, but should not be considered a blanket solution to the issue. If you suffer from allergic symptoms, we strongly advise you to remove all food sources that have been identified as an allergen and improve your gut health.


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