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car accident attorney

jesmin khatun
car accident attorney

Nagle & Associates, P.A. are your trusted, aggressive personal injury attorneys serving the entire state of North Carolina. With over 20 years of experience serving clients across the state, we have successfully obtained over $500 million in compensation for our clients.

North Carolina attorneys can help

If you're worried about getting auto accident compensation to pay for medical bills, lost time at work, and years of recovery, let our experts give you the support you need. You don't have to worry about having the best personal injury attorney represent you. Instead, contact Nagle & Associates, P.A. for immediate help.

Injury - what are you suffering from?

Injuries caused by the actions or omissions of another person can lead to legitimate personal injury claims. There are many types of physical and emotional injuries that fall into different categories. Our team at Nagle & Associates, P.A. works closely with you to gather evidence to prove your case and help you get the compensation we owe you in these cases. Whether you've been involved in a drunk driving accident, been hit while walking to work, or injured as a result of a motorcycle accident, our goal is to help you get the full amount of compensation that the law allows.

Our law office only handles claims for compensation for damage caused by traffic accidents. We strongly believe that this sharp focus allows us to provide the highest level of client service and ensure the best payment outcomes for our clients. Here are some examples of the types of North Carolina personal injury cases we can help you with right now.

Car Accident Lawyer

Our car accident lawyers can help you after any type of car accident. If you've been hit by someone and you suffer personal injury losses or find you can't prove your losses, let our team know. Car accident cases are often at fault. However, even if the police officer determines that you were at fault in the accident – ​​you may not have been. We've been working to help clients prove what happened using collision reconstruction technology, which allows us to actually see and prove what happened.

Traffic accidents

Buses, ride-sharing companies like Uber and Lyft, and transportation systems can cause accidents of all kinds. These organizations have a legal requirement to ensure your safety when transported from one area to another. However, if you are involved in an accident on a bus, Lyft or Uber, or any other type of public transportation, our car accident attorneys can help you recover compensation for your losses.

Truck Accident Lawyer

Trucks are heavy, large vehicles sometimes driven by tired drivers for long periods of time. It is true that an accident can happen for any reason, but often the loss occurs due to bad driving habits, fatigue and poor supervision of the drivers. If you have been involved in a car accident, our lawyers have the experience to help you. We work with clients who face significant losses as a result of a truck accident, such as medical bills, pain and suffering, lost time at work, and much more.

Our truck accident attorney works with clients who have a wide range of experience. Maybe you hit the truck yourself, maybe due to driver error. The driver could have hit you and damaged your car. In some situations, truck and car accidents can involve multiple parties, making it difficult to determine who is at fault. Our team works to gather evidence to prove your case and your rights to compensation after a truck accident. Regardless of what you suffered from, we want to know more about your case. Negligence, carelessness and illegal activities tend to lead to these fatal truck accidents.

jesmin khatun
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