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CHED Scholarship 2023 to 2024 online Application

CHED Scholarship 2023 to 2024 online Application

You successfully finished Senior High School. Your next aim is to achieve a college diploma. However, you have discovered that education is expensive and your family cannot afford it. How are you going to pay for your college education?

Although tuition at State Universities and Colleges is Now Free, there are still other costs to consider, such as books, transportation, a daily living allowance, and uniforms. These are certainly not free. But don’t give up hope just yet. The Commission on Higher Education (CHED) offers scholarship scholarships to help you pay for college. Are you considering becoming a CHED Scholar? Continue reading to learn how you can become one.

The goal is to help incoming first-year college students who plan to enroll in authorized public or private colleges, universities, or Higher Education Institutions (HEI).

This is an annually competitive student financial assistance program (StuFAP) that is awarded to students based on their previous school year’s grades. All student applicants are eligible for the Full Merit and Half Merit scholarships.

Benefits of CHED Scholarship

You don’t have to worry about paying your tuition, miscellaneous fees, or other school fees if you’re a CHED scholar. Every semester, CHED scholars receive a monthly allowance or stipend, which is distributed either directly to the scholars or through the school/Higher Education Institution. The following is a breakdown of financial assistance:

A Private University

Full CHED scholars enrolled in a private university receive P20,000 for tuition and other school fees, P35,000 in allowance, and P5,000 for books every semester.

Here is a breakdown of the advantages of CHED scholars able to attend university.

Private HEI BenefitsPrivate HEI Benefits

State University

CHED scholars who prefer to attend a state or public university receive FREE tuition as well as a stipend and book allowance of P40,000 per semester.

SUC/LUC BenefitsSUC/LUC Benefits

CHED Scholarship Program

A qualified student may be awarded a Full Scholarship (FS) or a Half Scholarship (HS) through the State Scholarship or Private Education Student Financial Assistance  (PESFA).

Want to Apply for CHED Scholarship - CHED Scholarship 2023 Online Application

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