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Angular vs React vs Vue: Which Framework to Choose in 2023?

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Angular vs React vs Vue: Which Framework to Choose in 2023?

There is just one language that has a monopoly in front-end programming, and that language is JavaScript. The situation with JavaScript frameworks is different, and what makes it even harder to select one is that JS has 24 frameworks and more than 83 libraries, each with a distinct capability.

According to a recent Statista survey, 65.36% of developers said that JavaScript is one of the main reasons they like the language. JavaScript has been used to create desktop and mobile applications in recent years for both client-side and server-side programming languages.

Because there are so many frameworks accessible, JavaScript developers frequently become perplexed when trying to select the best framework. The top JavaScript frameworks that continue to advance quickly are Angular, React, and Vue.

From booking a ticket to ordering food to book a cab to online shopping, applications have been dominating the business world for a long time. There are thousands of apps available and therefore, building one is not a problem. Choosing the best user interfaces and web development frameworks for your application is a matter to discuss. Hence, let’s dish out everything we have on Angular vs React vs Vue.

Angular vs React vs Vue – Philosophy & Background of each Framework?


Developed by Google in 2009, Angular is an open-source framework for dynamic web apps and is now known as one of the biggest frameworks. It offers support for many things including full control of the user interfaces, reaction to user input, input validation in forms, routing, state management sending HTTP requests, and many more.

Angular brings so many features to its bucket, allowing one to build, manage, and test an application most efficiently and effectively. Also, in the jungle of front-end JavaScript frameworks, Angular has set out its place to be one of the most popular frameworks.

Here are some of its pros –


  1. Ensures outstanding app performance;
  2. Provides PWA capabilities and offline support for app development;
  3. Offers in-built features for building large-scale applications;
  4. Angular projects may be expanded, scaled, and developed more quickly.
Recommended Read: Top 13 Advantages of AngularJS for App Development


Also known as React.js, React is an open-source framework based on JavaScript that enables users to create interactive user interfaces and the front end of the application.

Even though React is from the young library of JavaScript, it has maintained its place by providing excellent features and functionalities.

Over the years, it has been growing as a Virtual DOM to make the comparison of previous HTML code differences easier. It offers multiple tools to define what can be rendered and under which circumstances.

Here are some pros and cons of using React –


  1. Quicker loading;
  2. Data and presentation can be separated using React;
  3. It has single file components containing both – markup and logic.


  1. It is just a JavaScript library, not a complete framework;
  2. It is not possible to implement MVC architecture;
  3. It is insufficient to build web apps as it needs the support of other libraries.
Recommended Read: 15 Advantages of ReactJS for Application Development


Vue is one of the most discussed among other JavaScript frameworks. It sits between Angular and React.

Vue is a progressive framework as it offers the functionality to create progressive web apps. Vue is about building user interfaces with a combination of reusable components, just like angular and react. A good mobile app development company will be able to give you a detailed comparison of Angular vs React vs Vue.

Here are some pros and cons of Vue –


  1. It comes with detailed documentation;
  2. Its reusable components make the development process much easier;
  3. It has a possibility of Component-based architecture (CBA);
  4. It offers simplicity and flexibility in mobile app development.


  1. Its community support is not as wide as React and Angular;
  2. It has limited plugin availability.

Angular vs React vs Vue – Comparing the Market Trends


  • 79.2K GitHub stars
  • 20.8K Fork
  • 1528 Contributors
  • Usage – 2.1 million users


  • 181K GitHub stars
  • 36.9K Fork
  • 1538 Contributors
  • Usage – 8.8 million users


  • 193K GitHub stars
  • 31.3K Fork
  • 404 Contributors

These statistics and figures show that Vue is outpacing React and Angular, and is clearly in the lead. Despite being a community-driven framework, it has the power to draw developers’ attention. By providing the ray of features, it guarantees experienced developers a well-built and simple component-based development architecture.

However, we can’t disregard Angular and React’s features. These enormous industries have, after all, expressed interest in these frameworks. We still have a lot more things to discuss on Angular vs React vs Vue.

Angular vs React vs Vue – Key Differences

Here are some key differences between Angular vs React vs Vue –

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