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FIFA World Cup 2022 Awards: Argentina recieves 347 crores

Arti shah
FIFA World Cup 2022 Awards: Argentina recieves 347 crores

FIFA World Cup 2022 Awards: Lionel Messi's dream to lift the FIFA World Cup trophy has finally come true. A dream that the whole world saw with him and prayed for his fulfillment. From Kerala to Kashmir across India and in every corner of the world, this final painted the whole world in the colors of Messi.

The final match of the FIFA World Cup 2022 was played between Argentina and France. By winning this match, Argentina achieved the distinction of becoming world champion for the third time. The match was tied 3–3 after extra time and the match resulted in a penalty shootout. Argentina captured the title by defeating France 4–2. Along with this, the champion Argentina team got Rs 347 crore as prize. Yes, the losing France team also took home Rs 248 crore. Argentina and France team got a total of Rs 595 crore in the final match.

Last year's runner-up Croatia team finished third this time and this team was given Rs 223 crore. At the same time, the Moroccan team, which made it to the semi-finals for the first time, finished fourth and got Rs 206 crore.

Brazil, Netherlands, Portugal, England made it to the quarter-finals. These four teams were given Rs 140 crore. America, Senegal, Australia, Poland, Spain, Japan, Switzerland, South Korea's team came out after losing in the final 16. All these teams were given Rs 107 crore as prize money. Qatar, Ecuador, Wales, Iran, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, Denmark, Tunisia, Canada, Belgium, Germany, Costa Rica, Serbia, Cameroon, Ghana, Uruguay were given a prize money of Rs 75 crore, which were eliminated in the group stage itself. .

Teams that lost all matches in the FIFA World Cup also went home with prize money from the jump champions in more than three instances. The host Qatar team had lost all the matches in this World Cup. Despite this, this team got Rs 75 crore. The total prize money of FIFA is around Rs 3640 crore. Compared to the last World Cup, it still has Rs 330 crores.

Arti shah
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