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Complete Guide to Sports Betting in Australia!

Edge Alerter
Complete Guide to Sports Betting in Australia!

Are you curious about the rules and regulations of online and offline sports betting in Australia, as well as the most profitable odds and sports betting sites, as well as the history of sports betting in Australia? If that's the case, keep reading.


Australia's Biggest Bookmakers

Many famous names of Australia's most well-known bookies are still quite famous today. The nation first legalized the Sportsbet was in the year 1993.

Initially, people could only gamble on animals such as horses and greyhounds. However, currently, anyone may bet on any sport.

Furthermore, the availability of diverse betting possibilities has substantially risen. William Hill offers several benefits, including a free bet bonus and promotions. Unibet is also the most popular and largest bookmaker in Australia and many other nations worldwide.

Australian bookmakers are not permitted to give sign-up bonuses is a significant law. However, several sports betting sites are meticulously designed and optimized, from mobile apps to top-tier security. Moreover, a wide range of payment and withdrawal choices are available these days, which promote ethical gambling 24/7.


In Australia, Sports Betting Have A Long History


In 1810, Hyde Park hosted various recorded gambling events in the country. It was a horse race, after all. Horseracing had increased in popularity by the late nineteenth century, with tracks in most significant towns.

Until the early 1930s, bets on horse races could only be placed through a bookmaker. Many illegal bookmakers established successful enterprises after developing telephone and radio transmission in 1931. By the late 1980s, sports betting was quite popular.


Why Do Australians Enjoy Betting?


When it comes to betting, the country is the most popular place on the planet. What, though, is the cause behind this? Some statistics may be used to highlight the significance of betting in Australia.


The Australian Gaming Statistics (AGS) report contains data on all legal gaming. It is collected yearly by the Queensland Government Office in collaboration with all Australian state and territory governments. Last year, Australians wagered a total of 204 billion dollars.


In Australia, the gambling industry made a profit of almost 22 billion dollars, reflecting a considerable profit margin for bookies and casinos.


Restrictions On Age


The legal age to get into betting in the country is 18 years. The legal gambling age is the same everywhere throughout the United States. It is estimated that 6.8 million Australians gamble regularly.


The Australian Gambling Research Centre (AGRC) claims that this group has specific socio-demographic characteristics. Males aged 50 and older make up a disproportionately large proportion of Australian gamblers.


Gambling Addiction

The information shown above reveals the world's highest gaming activity ratio. Even if this does not apply to all Australians, it is estimated that roughly 40% of gamblers in Australia have serious addiction problems.


According to one of Australia's best gambling researchers, gamblers who are addicted hurt their friends and family. Men between 19 and 29, unemployed, single, and had low salaries, were over represented among problem gamblers.


In Australia, Sports Betting Are Becoming More Popular


Sports betting was illegal in Australia, but after 1980, they started to begin it. Visitors at horse racing events used to gamble illegally.


However, Australia's sports betting industry is currently considered one of the world's fastest-growing. Nowadays, gamblers increase the demands of specific skill sets and experience, such as sports betting.


A substantially higher proportion of these sports bettors is male, under 50 years old, with an average of 12 years of schooling, full-time employment, and the highest incomes.


Regulations, Rules, and Laws

Profits from online sports betting are tax-free in Australia, making it a more tempting gambling destination. The Australian government regards Gains from gambling activities as a result of chance rather than income.

Gambling is seen as a recreational activity rather than a profession. While Australian gamblers are exempt from paying tax on their winnings, gambling companies, such as online bookies, are. Australia's taxation structure differs from state to state.

Edge Alerter
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