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The 7-Step Morning Routine That Helped Me Build a Billion-Dollar Brand

Nidhi Sharma
The 7-Step Morning Routine That Helped Me Build a Billion-Dollar Brand

At one time in my life, it was common for me to be on my bed all day every morning because I was lazy and cold to rise and put on my sweatshirt.

As a young person, I did not show any indications of potential at all. My mother who was my most powerful advocate, slowly believed I was going to fail in my life.

Today, I'm an entrepreneur with a lot of success. I founded this firm Quest Nutrition, which was valued at more than a billion dollars. I've also been able to establish the Impact Theory the company whose content together with my series Inside Quest, has been watched over 160 million times.

How could a child who had no promise in the beginning, defy the odds and succeed?

It began by rebuilding my identity by shifting from a fixed mindset to a growth perspective. When I stopped worrying about being right and instead focused just on finding the best answer quicker than everyone else I was able to establish a base for unending expansion. Once I had that foundation, a crucial element to my success was how I utilized my time, especially during the morning early morning hours.

Here are the practices I developed back then -- and continue to do today -to keep my mind in the right place for the full-contact sports of entrepreneurialism:

1. Sleep.

My morning routine is actually started at night, but I do not get to sleep until.

I haven't set an alarm to wake me up (with an occasional exception) for more than 10 years. It is necessary to get a certain amount of sleep and if you're not getting enough, performance starts to decrease -- to the point that you are able to evaluate the decline with an assessment of cognitive capacity.

The first step is to consider sleeping as among the top tasks you'll do throughout the day. If you must get to bed around eight p.m. to have the rest you require, then go to bed around 8 p.m. I usually wake up between 3 and 4 a.m. So getting up early is essential.

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2. Exercise your body.

When I get up I use the moment of awakening as a trigger to remind me to get active. I work out seven days per week however I'm not one of those people who enjoy working out.

However, I wake up, get out of bed, and head directly to my gym. I'm blessed to have a gym in my house, which means that the time between waking up to working out is about 10 minutes.

Discipline is among the most important aspects you must have to be successful. Being successful is many things you don't want to perform, but you're likely to have to complete them nonetheless.

You'll have to push yourself even when all your senses tell you to give up. You'll need to get up and get up there. You'll need to get up on that Saturday so that your friends are having a good time. You'll have to work when you'd prefer to play video games or binge watching Netflix.

Discipline will be the key to being able to achieve that goal however, you'll require an environment that allows you to practice this discipline. For me, it's the gym, which is one of the main reasons I exercise to build my discipline and establish confidence in myself by being consistent and doing an effort to do things that don't give me enjoyment in the end.

3. Train your mind.

It's not enough just to exercise your body. You must also exercise your mind as well.

To me, the body is an expression of our mind. After I have finished training, I go to the gym and meditate. My reason to do this is to increase my concentration and also to discover how to quickly calm my mind.

Our lives are fast-paced worlds filled with anxiety and distractions. We love the power to speed up our brains and our lives, however, it's vital to master the art of slowing down the pace of our lives as well. It's equally crucial to know how to be calm. You must develop this ability.

The length of time I spend in meditation varies on how anxious or stressed I am, however typically, it's around 20 or 30 minutes. I employ the "just breathe" technique, in which I try to relax my thoughts and just breathe.

When I first began meditating I was unable to convince myself to commit to at least five or ten minutes. Today, I love the experience so much, I'll stay until my legs begin to sleep after being across my legs.

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4. Thinkitate.

The most stunning benefit of meditation is that it places your brain in the state of alpha waves. It is thought to be the most imaginative of brain states, and that's what I feel like.

When I'm done meditation, and before the alpha state ends and I'm back to my normal activities I decide to stop trying to relax my mind, and instead dedicate it to tackling one of my biggest issues.

I refer to this as "Thinkitating." I consider this to be a very effective technique since when you're in this frame of mind, I find that I create more original and innovative connections, which allow me to come up with innovative solutions to issues that would otherwise have appeared to be insurmountable.

5. Read.

I strive to read each day. I think the most significant mathematical equation is I = I = IO (Ideas in = ideas out). The majority of the time I spend reading is recorded in my daily routine. This is why I've needed to find ways to make sure that I can find enough time to read.

One method is to take a moment to read during what I refer to as "transitional moments" -- brushing my teeth, dressing, or cooking food, for example. The most appropriate occasion for me is to stroll my dogs. It's about 30 minutes, which I typically follow with my breakfast during the day. This gives me about 45-60 minutes of uninterrupted reading time.

In addition, there are other sneaky moments I capture whenever I can. Since I love setting aside time to really get into reading and relax, too.

6. Make a "most important things" list.

I have a checklist of the most crucial items my company requires to be successful. When I get ready for work, the very first step is to go through the list. I do my best to take immediate action on every item on the list that I can. And when I don't do something three times in consecutive days, I erase it from my list since my actions suggest that it's not really important.

In general, I place the most important things in the upper right corner of the screen so that I don't fall into the trap of dealing with things that are lower on the priority list because it's first.

7. Do not respond to emails.

In fact, checking your email is a major error in managing time. In my view, a violation of your responsibilities as a business owner.

If you go through your email prior to taking care of the most urgent demands of your business you're acknowledging that someone else is more knowledgeable about what you need to be doing than you do.

I've learned to avoid emails until all that must be completed is accomplished. I've typically completed between 5 to seven hours of work before I even check emails for the very first time. Also, I aim to limit myself to less than one hour of email each day.

It has been my experience that the routines built into my routine for my morning to be extremely helpful in completing tasks and keeping me on course. Habits are, according to me the most important element of success.

I highly suggest that everyone start a routine for their mornings that targets both physical and mental health, as well as ensuring you're taking all the necessary steps to succeed in whatever you're working on. Your morning routine should help you just as it has helped me.

Nidhi Sharma
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