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London closes 500 churches; opens 423 new mosques

David Furgson
London closes 500 churches; opens 423 new mosques

London is where the number of people who follow Islam is growing faster every day than it was before. In the capital, there are hundreds of official Shariah courts, and the places where churches used to be and can still be seen have been turned into mosques. You can also book Cheap umrah packages Bradford to perform this holy pilgrimage. It is a subject that Muslims admire and are proud of because it is part of the religious power of Islam. The idea that people don't follow Christianity makes it easier for people to accept Islam, which is a beautiful religion.

The organisation says that most mosques in the UK are small buildings or are made up of parts of houses and other buildings. Architects said that most of these buildings were not built according to the plans. Out of about 1,500 mosques, only about 200 were built to be mosques. In the United Kingdom as a whole, cathedrals are not being used in new ways as often as they are in other countries.

People in places like Russia and Germany still think it's rude to live in churches or where churches are, but 500 churches in London have been turned into homes. Several well-known churches have been turned into many mosques. Reports say that the Hyatt United Church was bought by Egyptians and turned into a mosque. The Madinah mosque is one of the most popular places to visit. It used to be a church, but it was turned into a mosque and given the name Madina mosque. The place where the Methodist church used to be is now where the Brick Lane Mosque is.

When the worship yards are turned into other places of worship, the people who go there change their religion. Not only do the places themselves change, but so do the people who change their religion. Since the number of people who accept Islam has doubled, temples need to be changed into places where Muslims can pray.

Less people in churches is also a sign of less people in mosques. A church and a mosque are only a few kilometres from each other, but there are rarely more than 12 people at Mass in the church of San Giorgio, even though it was built to hold 1,230 worshippers at once. About 20 people are in the Santa Maria church at any given time. These two churches have to be mentioned because it's hard to find space there and it's always busy. But because less people believe in Christianity and more people believe in Islam, the churches aren't as crowded as they used to be. Instead, people are going to the mosque, which is the holy place for Muslims.

Because there are too many people in mosques, both the mosque and the people who come there to pray five times a day have to deal with some problems. There are several problems with a mosque in the Brune Street Estate. As I said above, most mosques are not very big. Some mosques are built where a single room used to be. The Brune Street Estate mosque is the same way. The room is small, and only 100 people can fit in it at once, but there are a lot of worshippers there, and it's hard to pray in such a crowded place. Especially on Friday, when every Muslim must say the Jummah prayer. To do this, they go to the mosques, but because they are too full, they have to say the Friday prayer in the street. Even though a Muslim's faith and strong beliefs are what drive them to do their holy duty no matter what, it's still hard for them. Based on how things are going now, it seems likely that Islam will become the main religion in England in the future. Every day, fewer and fewer people follow Christianity. Because of this, you could say that Christianity is becoming a relic in England.

In Birmingham, the second largest city in Britain, there is an Islamic spire that points to the sky. Since they live in London, every Londoner has the right to use his or her Cheapest Umrah Packages to do holy things, and they should be free to choose their religion. People asked the British government to let mosques use megaphones to call Muslims to prayer three times a day.

Estimates say that by 2020, 683,000 Muslims will go to prayers, while only 679,000 Christians will go to weekly mass. Muslims are younger than people who don't believe in Islam, so they haven't reached the point in their lives when they realise what they believe. A quarter of Christians are over the age of 65, while nearly half of Muslims who follow Islam are under the age of 25. The number of people who go to church is going down, and the rate of decline is three times faster for churchgoers than for Muslims who regularly go to a mosque on Friday for Friday prayer.

Since 2001, 500 churches in London have been turned into homes, and during that time, British mosques have been doing very well. There are a lot of Muslims living in the cities of Manchester, Birmingham, and Bradford.

The colour of religious freedom is shown by how judges and education departments decide that the courts must be multicultural and not be influenced by Christianity, which favours Islamization. Islam's roots are getting stronger in London thanks to the work of Muslims and Islamic travel 5 star umrah packages 2023 from Birmingham and London.

David Furgson
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