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Nicholas Boari | Neurosurgeon

Ryan Ranolds

Nicholas Boari | Neurosurgeon - miglior Neurochirurgo Milano

Head of Functional

Unit of Neurosurgery and Gamma Knife

IRCCS San Raffaele Hospital

Dr. Nicola Boari graduated from the University of Pavia with a score of 110/110 with honors, and specialized in Neurosurgery at the Vita-Salute San Raffaele University in Milan with a score of 70/70 with honneurs.

He was Research Fellow in 2005 and 2010 at George Washington University (Washington, DC, USA), where he conducted studies on surgical approaches to the skull base.

He has attended master classes abroad in many European and American universities.

In 2011 he obtained the European Certificate of Neurosurgery, becoming a Fellow of the 'European Board of Neurological Surgery'.

He is the author of book chapters and about 80 scientific publications in international journals.

He has performed approximately 3,000 neurosurgical procedures as lead surgeon.

He obtained the national scientific qualification as full professor in 2017 and full professor in 2018.

He currently holds the position of Head of Functional Unit at the Complex Operative Unit of Neurosurgery and Gamma Knife of the IRCCS San Raffaele Hospital in Milan.

His fields of interest are brain tumor surgery, stereotactic radiosurgery with Gamma Knife and instrumented and minimally invasive spinal surgery.

Treated pathologies

Tumors of the brain and skull base

Brain tumors are forms of cancer that affect the central nervous system, therefore the whole of the brain, medulla oblongata and cerebellum.

Disc pathology and arthrosis of the vertebral column

Disc disease occurs when one of the discs in your back protrudes over the nerve causing pain

Vertebral medullary tumors

Vertebro-medullary tumors include tumors of various origins that develop inside the vertebral canal by exerting compression on the nervous structures.

Cerebral and medullary vascular pathology

Cerebrovascular diseases

are a group of disorders that can damage blood vessels and the blood supply

to the brain.

Neuralgia and other craniofacial pain syndromes

Neuralgia is pain caused by irritation of a damaged nerve: one of the most common neuralgias is trigeminal neuralgia.

Hydrocephalus and syringomyelia

Hydrocephalus is a condition involving the accumulation of too much cerebrospinal fluid in the cavities of the brain

Make an appointment

Dr. Boari receives at the medical offices of Milan and Cremona

Enter your details to make an appointment at the Milan medical office.

Reservations at the MED center in Cremona are available exclusively by calling 03 7280 3801

Ryan Ranolds
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