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Shivani chemicals

Menthol Crystals are derived from the Mentha Arvensis Botanica, also known as Mint, Corn Mint, Wild Mint, and Japanese Mint. Menthol Crystals are a solid constituent of Mint Oil and have a waxy consistency. The Mint Essential Oil is derived from the Mint leaf through the process of distillation. This Mint Essential Oil is then frozen at a temperature of -22 degrees Celsius. The process of freezing the Essential Oil causes it to crystalise, forming Menthol Crystals.

As they are directly obtained from Mint Essential Oil, Menthol Crystals share the same vast benefits of the Oil. However, Menthol Crystals are extremely concentrated, and therefore only small amounts of the Crystals are needed for effective applications and uses.


Menthol Crystals’ Uses and Benefits:

For the Pharmaceutical Industry

·      Menthol Crystals are incredibly potent in treating health ailments

·      Some of the most popular pharmaceutical uses include using Menthol Crystals to treat digestive and gastric ailments; relieving symptoms of nausea; reducing pain; and reducing fever and headaches


For the Cosmetic Industry

·      Menthol Crystals are often added to Carrier Oils and as a primary ingredient in skin and beauty products

·      These Crystals have a fresh and minty aroma and are often added to perfumes, creams, and colognes

·      Menthol Crystals aid in reducing skin irritations, soothing itchy and dry skin, and refreshing and revitalising the skin in general

·      Adding Menthol Crystals to your haircare products assists in nourishing and strengthening the hair and in fostering healthy hair growth


For the Aromatherapeutic Industry

·      Menthol Crystals are often used in aromatherapy to create a calm state of mind, effectively reducing anxiety and stress

·      It promotes a sense of ease, while simultaneously invigorating and energising both body and mind


Menthol Crystals are highly concentrated Crystals, derived from the Mint Essential Oil, and hold a vast array of benefits for various industries. The variability in benefits and applications of the Menthol Crystals make it the perfect product, especially for the holiday season.

Shivanichemicals  have become a respectable entity to get Organic Menthol Crystals manufacturer and Supplier in India. Since inception, we have overcome endless barriers and mounted excellent heights in the domain. Our products are exceptionally appreciated for their quality, effectiveness, natural properties, long-shelf life, standardized packaging and other characteristics.  For more information call 8630322605

Shivani chemicals
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