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Modern Home Decor: Contemporary Abstract Art by Aashok Gulati

Aashok Gulati
Modern Home Decor: Contemporary Abstract Art by Aashok Gulati

Without a doubt, art is a requirement for any living room wall design. We spend the majority of our time at home in the living room. The majority of our interactions with family members or visitors happen there.

Our surroundings should inspire us, and art is a wonderful way to do so. The artwork, Contemporary Abstract Art we selected for the living room wall decor could reveal a lot about us and the rest of our house to guests.

The proper piece of art may improve the entire area, making it cosier and more inviting.

Top Contemporary Abstract Art for Living Rooms for 2023

2023 ushers in a number of interesting new wall design ideas, just like the year before it.

We have put together a list of the hottest wall décor ideas, from classic designs making a big comeback to brand-new, innovative designs.

The top popular wall décor ideas are written below:

Mixing Brilliant, Diverse Hues:-

One of the list's most noticeable and audacious trends in terms of appearance is this.

For instance, combining vivid red and green hues may initially look absurd.

It turns out that your house design will look beautiful if you stick with the trend of combining contrasting hues.

The ideal art form to use with this trend of contrasting colours is abstract art.

Many works of abstract art do a pretty good job of embracing this style to its fullest extent.

Black & White Painting:-

Black and white paintings have been admired for ages and are true classics.

There can never be a mistake when using black and white.

The absence of colour can be used to express a concept or idea in the hands of truly exceptional painters.

The purest and most elegant manifestation of abstract art is black and white.

Use it to develop a classy and witty wall décor theme.

Large-Scale Artwork and Paintings:-

Although the saying "the bigger the better" isn't always accurate, it seems to apply well to art these days.

Big abstract paintings have become increasingly popular in recent years, and this trend doesn't seem to be slowing down anytime soon.

Allowing one piece of art to play such a significant role in home décor is just incredibly gutsy and bold.

It elevates the piece of art as the focal point of the interior design and grants it a place of honour.

In these kinds of circumstances, the perfect piece of art in the right setting can work miracles.


So, now you know how a painting enhances the environment of your home. Why wait? Visit Aashok Gulati's website and buy his famous because the yearly Contemporary Abstract Art for Sale is going on.

Aashok Gulati
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