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Cultivators Gallery – Landforce Rigid cultivator and Soil Master CT-900

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Cultivators Gallery – Landforce Rigid cultivator and Soil Master CT-900

Cultivate your farm easily with tractor-mounted cultivators, ensuring a decreased manual labour and an increased yield. Here is an overview of the Landforce Rigid cultivator and the Soil Master CT-900.

Landforce Rigid Cultivator

The Landforce Rigid (Heavy Duty) cultivator is a powerful and durable tool ideal for farming operations. Its 40-50 hp implement power allows it to efficiently tackle tough tasks, making it a reliable choice for farmers. Additionally, the independent working of its forged tines, quality springs, and channel frame with high tensile fasteners make it capable of handling the most difficult soil conditions, including those with stones and roots. Furthermore, the CAT-II hitch geometry and low maintenance requirements make it easy to use and maintain, ensuring that it can be relied upon to get the job done. Overall, the Landforce Rigid (Heavy Duty) cultivator is a top choice for farmers looking to improve their farm’s productivity.

Soil Master CT-900

Soil Master CT-900 (7 Feet) cultivators redefine your farming experience and prime your land for success! With 30-45 HP implement power, this cultivator is ready to take on even the most stubborn soil easily. Also, its heavy-duty tubular frame and robust structure can handle the toughest ploughing jobs, while its powder-coated paint ensures long-lasting durability. Moreover, the Cat 2 linkage allows it to be easily attached to other tractors, making it a versatile tool for all your farming needs. Also, its adjustable disc angle and spring-loaded floating rear furrow wheel can tackle many soil types and conditions, including rocky and rooted areas. So, get your hands on a Soil Master CT-900 (7 Feet) cultivator today and watch your yield soar to new heights!

For more information on tractors and farm implements, visit the tractor junction.

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