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Maya Physio
Safe Gardening

Many people find enjoyment when gardening. It is also a fantastic form of exercise. But, with this strain on the body, there is a right way and a wrong way to garden safely so you don’t hurt yourself. It's important to garden safely in order to maintain good overall musculoskeletal health.  

Here are some tips on how to garden safely 

-to reduce repeat strain on joints, change tasks. If you stay in the same position for long periods of time or are repeating a motion continuously for long periods of time, this can cause strain and inflammation on your joints. Particularly when you are in awkward positions.  

-spread the load when carrying heavy objects. Use your forearms to rest the object. Do not try to grip it with your fingers.  

-to better help protect your finger joints, use rubber grips on gardening tools. Some tools come equipped with these already, but if not, put on a spongy rubber grip to help improve your grip.  

-high quality gardening gloves are key. Not only do they protect your hands from blisters, cuts, and thorns, they can help you grip and lift objects.  

-use splints, especially if you have severe arthritis. Consult your physiotherapist for using splints while gardening.  

-back support gardening tools. Gardening requires a lot of bending over and being close to the ground. This makes it important to keep your back straight and not be bent over for too long. Get a lightweight gardening tool that has back support to help you.  

-know when it is time to take a break and what your limits are. In anything you do, it's important to not go over your physical limits, particularly when performing physical activities. If you are trying to lift something that is too heavy for you, ask someone for assistance.  


Read More: https://mayaphysio.ca/blog/safe-gardening/  

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