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Everything you want to know about ChatGPT

John Dsouza
Everything you want to know about ChatGPT

This blog aims to spread awareness around AI writing tools, GPT-3 and ChatGPT. If you are curious about it, this blog is worth giving a shot at.

Why is the popularity of AI writing tools growing?

What’s the purpose of artificial intelligence (AI) writing tools and why suddenly there is lots of buzz around them? Some say it’s to enable faster content generation and saves time and money for organizations. But is that all there is to it? Are speed, time and cost-efficiency the only things AI writing tools bring to the table?

Perhaps the true power of AI writing tools lies in their ability to act as a catalyst for generating smarter, more engaging and natural conversations.

Why ChatGPT?

OpenAI’s GPT technology, backed by transformers with zero/one/few shot tasks, started the swell of AI-generated content. In the realm of AI writing tools, ChatGPT garnered a million users in 5 days. Since its launch on November 30, it hit a million users mark, making it the fastest.

What is ChatGPT?

A new artificial intelligence chatbot, ChatGPT, answers questions and takes directions from users in a conversational, human-like way. ChatGPT is not only conversational, but well-versed in a wide range of topics. It can create code, social media posts and even television show scripts.

In a blog post announcing the launch of ChatGPT, OpenAI stated that its “dialogue format makes it possible for ChatGPT to answer follow-up questions, admit its mistakes, challenge incorrect premises and reject inappropriate requests.”

ChatGPT, a new dialogue language model (LM), was trained with a technique called reinforcement learning from human feedback. Human trainers teach LM. They would rank the chatbot responses manually and feed them to the LM so the chatbot can learn to give required responses.

Useful tips to make the best use of ChatGPT

Give detailed instructions

Ensure that you provide accurate information about your questions so that ChatGPT can provide the best possible response.

Consider the context

To ensure a cohesive dialogue, make sure that your request fits into the current context.

Avoid asking redundant follow-up questions and repeating questions in the same dialogue

This will impede the learning of the chatbot and increase the likelihood of ChatGPT providing the same answer multiple times.

Review the bot’s response thoroughly

Before proceeding, carefully examine the bot’s response for relevance and reasonableness. If the answer is irrelevant, pose a new question to the bot with the same context.

Are you excited to experiment with your crazy, groundbreaking and fun content creation ideas using ChatGPT?

Get to know more about ChatGPT

John Dsouza
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