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Former and returning resident (Subclass 155 and 157)

Indeed Visa
Former and returning resident (Subclass 155 and 157)

Former and Returning Resident Visa Australia is for someone whose current permanent resident visa is expired or about to expire and they want to apply for extension of PR. Though you can continue to stay in Australia even if your visa has expired, you need to apply for a resident return visa if you like to travel outside Australia. In case you leave Australia, and your visa has expired, you can’t return until you have been granted a resident return visa.

This visa is also used by previous permanent residents who have lived abroad for a longer period and now want to return to Australia, though there are certain eligibility criteria you need to meet to be able to grant this visa. 

Applicants must either meet residence requirements or show substantial ties to Australia to be able to get this visa.

Is there a point test or minimum age criteria for a business visa?

All streams other than Significant investor (SC 188C) and Premium investor (SC 188D) require point test and age criteria to be met.

Which stream has the lowest investment requirements among all available business visa streams?

Business visa streams (SC 188A) usually have the lowest fund requirements.


Once you have been granted a permanent visa it has an initial five (5) year validity period. This validity period is essentially a travel facility. If you remain in Australia beyond the five years your permanent residence does not expire, only your ability to depart and then re-enter Australia as a permanent resident is affected.


To obtain a new five (5) year travel facility (called a resident return visa, or RRV) the basic criteria is that you have spent at least two (2) years out of the last five (5) physically present in Australia as the holder of a permanent visa.


If you cannot meet the ‘2 in 5’ requirement you may be eligible for a resident return visa with one year travel validity. As noted above, if you remain in Australia beyond the one year validity period your permanent residence does not expire, only your ability to depart and then re-enter Australia as a permanent resident is affected.

To meet the requirements for the one year RRV you must demonstrate that you have substantial ties to Australia that are of benefit to Australia. Substantial ties can be under any of the following:

  • Business
  • Employment
  • Family
  • Cultural

Indeed Visa
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