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Which Type of Carpet Cleaning Is Best? Carpet Cleaning Services

Jessica Clean
Which Type of Carpet Cleaning Is Best? Carpet Cleaning Services

Carpet Cleaning is one of the most tedious jobs for all carpet owners. It seems warm and gives a great look to the interiors. However, it becomes a nightmare for many when doing the task. Thus, nowadays, people prefer to opt for reliable carpet cleaning services.

It is not just about removing the stains; a lot more goes into the carpet cleaning process. The carpet is an expensive item. Thus, while cleaning, it is required to ensure its prolonged life.

Read this blog to find out about different carpet cleaning methods.

Types of Carpet Cleaning Methods

There are different cleaning methods used to wash the carpet, each with pros and cons. There is no right or wrong method. However, there are some factors you can consider while opting for any of the cleaning methods. They include the size of the carpet, dirtiness, and fabric.

Nevertheless, the following cleaning methods can be employed to clean it effectively.

1.    Dry Carpet Cleaning

It is one of the quickest and most affordable carpet cleaning methods. All you need to do is to purchase a cleaning solution from the market that comes in powdered form. You have to spread this powder over the carpet and let it sit for 15 minutes. After that, you can vacuum it up.

This method is best for cleaning jute, seagrass, or coir carpets. Moreover, this powdered solution does not contain any chemicals. Thus, there isn't any chance of damage.

2.    Hot Water Extraction

Hot water extraction is a cleaning method popularly known as steam cleaning. As the name suggests, steam is used to clean the carpet. In this method, the carpet is first pre-conditioned with a cleaning solution that lifts the dirt from the carpet.

Further, the carpet is then exposed to the steam produced by hot water. After 15 minutes, a vacuum cleaner is used to suck up everything. So, for deep carpet cleaning, this method is best.

3.    Foam Cleaning

This method uses a foaming solution evenly distributed on the carpet's surface. Then, a rotating brush is made to move on it. Once the foam perfectly sits on the surface, it is removed using the vacuum cleaner.

This method is best for the carpet, which is made of water-sensitive material.

4.    Carpet Shampooing

Carpet shampooing is the last but not least method used to clean the carpet. However, most people do not prefer doing this because it takes a lot of time. This method uses a wet foam cleaning solution to spread on the carpet and is allowed to sit for a few minutes. Further, the carpet is rinsed with water to remove the residue left by the foam.

This method takes a lot of work and is not a feasible way to do it. Moreover, carpets are heavy, so it’s not easy to lift them for rinsing.


The choice of carpet cleaning method depends on the type of carpet and your personal preference. So, if you are looking for premium carpet cleaning, seek expert help. These professionals can analyze which cleaning method is the best for your carpet and perform it effectively.

Jessica Clean
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