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What Is Lego Piece 26047

What Is Lego Piece 26047

Lego pieces come in all shapes and sizes, and they’re so much fun to play with. One of the most popular types of Lego pieces is the stud-and-tube piece, which can be joined together to create structures like skyscrapers or a wall to separate two different sides in an imaginative world. Although the unique design makes these pieces incredibly flexible, one may wonder what purpose this particular type of Lego piece has—especially if it’s new to you. This article will explain what lego piece 26047 is and why it’s used in construction projects around the world!

Part 1: The history of Lego

Lego's history stretches back to 1932 when its founder, Ole Kirk Christiansen, created a toy company. The name was derived from two Danish words: leg godt, which means play well. In 1955, Christiansen came up with an idea for what he called Automatic Binding Bricks — small colored plastic bricks with studs on top that fit together. Those became one of three foundations upon which modern-day Lego is built (the other two are making toys and play materials from children's imagination and creating enjoyable experiences). Here’s how it works: each brick has 2x4 studs on top and 1x2 studs at its base. These pieces slide easily onto other blocks of a similar size.

Part 2: The creation process

The design process is usually the first phase of making a new LEGO piece, and it generally consists of sketching different designs with LEGO Digital Designer. I draw each individual side, colour them in black and upload them to LDD for final tweaks. During my internship at LEGO Education, I had access to actual bricks so that I could build my design on a computer-supported platform before switching over to reality. Once your design is complete (or even while you’re still working on it), you send your files over to corporate headquarters in Billund where they will have an official review.

Part 3: Features and characteristics

LEGO pieces come in a number of different forms and sizes, each with their own unique feature or characteristics. In some cases, these features can be incredibly useful; in others, they’re downright strange. One particularly peculiar piece is LEGO piece #26047, a nearly featureless 4×2 brick that has only one real application –- as a building block for an antenna tower on modular buildings (like those sold in The LEGO Batman Movie playset). This curious piece is more than meets the eye, however. It shares many structural similarities with both 1×2 plate and 1×2 jumper plate pieces while being of similar dimensions to both 2×2 bricks and tiles. What’s up with it? Let’s explore!

Part 4: Where you can buy it

Amazon, Target and other places sell it. You can also get it on ebay for about $2-5. It comes in many different colors, but I have only found one version with wings on each side of it's head. It is an L shaped piece that usually goes at about a 45 degree angle; however there are times when you will find that it goes straight up or down. My favorite use for it is to connect 2 pieces together at an angle so they look like they are leaning against each other instead of standing upright.


Lego Piece 26047 is a great piece for fans of Minecraft. It has lots of intricate detail and comes with three different faces so you can choose what your character looks like. This set also has a brown diamond block, which is something Minecraft fans will be very excited about. When you put it all together, you get a cute little figure to display or use as part of your latest castle creation. I would definitely recommend getting a couple of these sets if you are a fan of Minecraft. You could even collect them all!

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