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What Books Should be Read by new Parents?

Primanti Montessori Academy
What Books Should be Read by new Parents?

Parenting is a very tough task in the beginning, also a precious moment in every parent’s life. From the first day, all the parents start to think about their child's growth and development in a better way. Some parents join online classes, and some browse the internet to get the best guide for their baby's growth. To make your journey easy, here we have mentioned some books that will help you take good care of your baby in its first year.

Let’s read out these books' names carefully:

The newborn sleep book

There is no doubt that getting your newborn to sleep through the night is the Holy Grail of parenting. Furthermore, there are no shortcuts, techniques, or advice. There is a method invented by Drs. Jassey has a proven track record and is practical. When you read this book, you will find that it is an easy-to-understand approach to helping your little munchkin sleep a full night.

The Happiest Baby on the Block

Dr. Harvey Karp uncovers an amazing secret of your baby's happiness, and you would love to know this: how to automatically "turn off" your baby’s sobbing. This celebrity doctor not only wowed doctors and working mothers, but he was also close to celebrities such as Madonna and Pierce Brosnan, who sought his advice. The doctor claims that relaxing the newborns becomes very simple, just like turning on the lights. We can confidently say that this parenting book will work for both parents and babies' happiness.

When Partners Become Parents

This is the book written by Carolyn Pape Cowan and Philip A. Cowan. It's quite energizing (it's not just you) to read about this ten-year longitudinal study of how motherhood affects romantic relationships in Senior's book. Very few novels since its release in 1992 have been able to accurately capture the ups and downs (mostly downs) of couples during the crisis of new parenthood.

What to Expect in the First Year

What to expect an empire is well-known. And with good cause. The books offer excellent advice and cover every subject. What to Expect in the First Year is no different for new parents?

What to Expect the First Year, sometimes known as the "New Baby Bible," is a book that every new parent ought to acquire. It very much covers everything a new parent might run into and is useful to have on hand as a reference.


These are some books that will greatly assist you in caring for your child when they are young. It is very difficult to deal with a child in their early months. Even in the digital era, books are still a good friend to every parent for better performance in their child's care. Most parents don’t have enough time to invest in their kids because of their busy schedules and office work, so you can choose our child care in La Habra, CA. Here, our best team can help you get the finest solution for your child's care.

Primanti Montessori Academy
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