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The True Value of Colors for the Holidays

Jordan Reiss
The True Value of Colors for the Holidays

The holidays are a festive time of year where families and friends come together to celebrate. Homes are decorated with lights and décor in cheerful colors. But have you ever wondered why certain colors are used during the holidays?

Color psychology is the study of how colors affect mood and behavior. Certain colors have been shown to affect mood, behavior, and even physiology. For example, the color red has been shown to increase heart rate and blood pressure. Blue, on the other hand, has been shown to have a calming effect.

During the holidays, we are bombarded with images and décor in festive colors. While the holidays are a happy time for many, they can also be a trigger for anxiety and depression. But the right colors can lift up your spirit, which is why even priests wear the appropriately colored church vestments to lift up the mood of the congregation.

If you are feeling overwhelmed this holiday season, pay attention to the colors around you and how they make you feel. You might be surprised at how much of an impact they have on your mood and behavior.

Red and the Lunar New Year

During the Lunar New Year, red is considered to be an auspicious color. It is believed to ward off evil spirits and bring good luck. Red is also the traditional color of wealth and prosperity. For these reasons, you will often see red decorations and symbols during the Lunar New Year celebrations.

Red is an important color in many Asian cultures. If you are celebrating the Lunar New Year, be sure to incorporate some red into your decor to bring good luck and prosperity to your home.

Easter’s Pink, Blue, and White

During Easter and Spring, pink, blue and white colors take on a new importance. Pink and white are associated with the Easter bunny, while blue is associated with the coming of spring. All three colors are associated with new life, hope and renewal.

For Christians, Easter is a time to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Priests celebrate mass wearing white Church Vestments, symbolizing hope and purity. The holiday has become synonymous with Easter eggs, baskets filled with chocolate and other sweets. But the true meaning of Easter is much more than that. It is a time to reflect on the hope and promise of new life.

The colors of Easter and Spring represent that hope and promise. They are a reminder that, no matter what happens in the world, life always goes on.

Green and The Luck of the Irish

Green is the traditional color of St. Patrick's Day, and there are many reasons why this is so. For one, green is the color of shamrocks, which are associated with the holiday. It's also the color of the Irish flag and the color of many of the country's landscapes.

But more than just being a pretty color, green also has a lot of symbolism. For many people, it represents luck, fertility, and growth. It's also the color of money, which is fitting since St. Patrick's Day is often considered a lucky day for finding money or getting rich.

So if you're looking to get lucky this St. Patrick's Day, make sure to wear lots of green!

So, what does this mean for the holiday season? If you want to create a festive and fun atmosphere, then you should use colors like red, green, and gold. If you want to create a more peaceful and relaxing atmosphere, then you should use colors like blue and white.

But as long as you choose one that reflects the best of the season, you’re on your way to a great holiday!

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Jordan Reiss
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